Friday, 5 March 2010


Politicians are scrambling to understand explain away the meteoric rise of Dutch politician Geert Wilders.

First up in the ‘Indy’ is Peter Mair, Professor of Comparative Politics at the European University Institute and author of 'European Politics: Pasts, Presents, Futures’:
His is an explicitly anti-Islam party, decrying the Koran, threatening deportation for immigrant offenders, promising a ban on the building of mosques and minarets, and so on. In this, he builds on, and further promotes, the inter-communal tensions that have been so evident in the Netherlands since Fortuyn, and which also hit the headlines with the assassination of film director Theo van Gogh and the hounding of the politician and writer Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

Do you suppose he meant ‘murder’?
Dutch society, long one of the most homogenous in continental Europe, was never as tolerant as it appeared
It wasn’t..? Are you sure about that?

Are you sure it isn’t the case that the Dutch were tolerant, but have now found out that tolerance needs to be a two-way street. And some of the identity groups that have taken advantage of that tolerance have no wish to integrate into Dutch society and join in with that famous tolerance?
…and problems which rumbled for long under the surface have become steadily more acute as the share of the non- Western immigrant population has grown to become one of the largest in western Europe.
Subtext – those racist Dutch, ungrateful at the chance for their communities to become gloriously diverse…

Maybe he can blame it on the Dutch electoral system?

He’s going to have a damn good try:
The Dutch party system is now exceptionally fragmented. No party is expected to win much more than 20 per cent in the coming election, which, given the extreme proportionality of the electoral system, means none is likely to win more than 30 of the 150 seats.
Sounds to me like there’s too much choice. Would that we had that option…
In this clouded Dutch landscape, Wilders's sharp and direct appeal wins a lot of favour. He also runs a highly disciplined party. There is no membership, and hence no activist layer which needs to be appeased, and the party's parliamentary group – currently nine seats – is firmly under his control.
Hmm, strong leader, disciplined party, direct appeal to public, iron hand of control. None of that’s ever led to problems on the continent before, has it, Peter?

LfaT is right – this is shaping up to be a lot more interesting than our own election…


  1. I'd vote for him. I hope he does become PM, then the fun will really start.

  2. It's amusing watching the MSM tying itself into knots to try and explain his popularity without actually going into why.
    Be even more interesting watching our bansturbating politicians eat crow when he visits here after trying to ban him. Bet there aren't 10,000 Muslims this time :-D

  3. I thoroughly recommend the essays of Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    for a first hand account of the issues involved.

  4. Who knows, we might even experience tolerance overload in the UK some day.

    This sort of thing:

    may bring that day closer as our institutions unerringly go for the easy and soft target.

  5. A good speech by him in House of Lords today.BBC didn't bother to cover it on 6 pm news.

  6. Oh, the same old thing will happen. A person of 'good' connection will be 'voted' in and they will develop a unhealthy distance for the people they are responsible for and then all but the few connected will suffer.

    The answer, healthily fear all in power and support the mad because only the mad have a grasp on the possible when all around us say food, health and happiness is a dream that we are not worthy of.

    To be honest I could not give 2 flying fcuks what your religion is or sex or ethnicity as long as you give as much as you take, hurt no-one even people you hate and regardless of belief treat people the way you expect to be treated. Law, rules, tax and civilisation goes right out the window then because by natural selection we all get along and the world becomes a better place where those who suffer and die clearly committed suicide without taking anyone with them.

    PS Julia, i still want you, yes I know you don't want me and probably have a better offer, still there it is, my problem, lol ;)

    PPS you don't even know what I look like, amazing

  7. "I hope he does become PM, then the fun will really start."

    It'll make state visits a little more interesting!

    "It's amusing watching the MSM tying itself into knots to try and explain his popularity..."

    Oh, yes. Or rather, explain it away.

    "I thoroughly recommend the essays of Ayaan Hirsi Ali..."

    The fact that she had to flee to America, and there were politicians claiming she had no right in the country in the first place (for the sake of 'community harmony'), should really have been the canary in the coalmine, shouldn't it?

    "Who knows, we might even experience tolerance overload in the UK some day."

    Hmm. From that link: "Speaking after the hearing, Supt Mark Turner said: "Luton town has enjoyed excellent community relations for a number of years but it seems last year a small minority came to the town to cause disorder." "

    Indeed they do, Turner. So why did you arrest the prople protesting against them..?

  8. "A good speech by him in House of Lords today.BBC didn't bother to cover it on 6 pm news."

    These days, you get as much information from what the MSM don't cover, as from what they do...

    "To be honest I could not give 2 flying fcuks what your religion is or sex or ethnicity as long as you give as much as you take, hurt no-one even people you hate and regardless of belief treat people the way you expect to be treated."

    Indeed. As Thomas Jefferson said: "It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no God."

    More people should remember that.

  9. Classic Progressive rubbish. Blame the whites, always.

    Also, is this the first time ever that Proportional Representation has been thrown under a bus by liberals?

  10. Time dippy Dave woke up to the fact that the Dutch people are no longer scared to of discussion about immigration and integration, indeed they are 'celebrating and embracing' the opportunity.
    Learn the lesson Dave.
