Tuesday 27 April 2010

I Guess Maybe Counselling Can Work After All...

A counsellor told him he was 'too gentle' and needed to 'let his anger out'.
Well done, unnamed counsellor. You did a bang up job!


  1. I regret to say if I was on the jury I would acquit on the grounds of server provocation. Further I would slap asbos on all the pupils involved.

    It may not be the right thing to do but as sending to prison is a means of deterrent. Then in this case not sending him to prison would act as a deterrent sending a message that nastiness, rudeness and misbehaviour by pupils will not be tolerated.

  2. Is server provocation where you keep getting 404 messages?

  3. This is analogous to someone hauling off and knifing a chav after years of provocation because the cops are as much use as a soap hacksaw. I know it's a bit Daily Mail-ish, but this is what an overly-permissive society hath wrought. Or to wheel out an even more moth-eaten cliché: nature abhors a vacuum.

  4. "I regret to say if I was on the jury I would acquit..."

    Jury nullification? It would be nice...

    "I know it's a bit Daily Mail-ish, but this is what an overly-permissive society hath wrought."

    Indeed. Even the school admits the little sod was a known thug and troublemaker. Why was he not excluded?

  5. In England it is customary to kill a pupil, from time to time, to encourage the outhers.
