Thursday, 1 April 2010

"'Old it, flash, bang, wallop, what a picture..."

"...What a picture, what a photograph!"
Joanna Ornowska, 25, photographed her pregnant best friend Malgorzata Kulinsha last week so that Miss Kulinsha could show her family the pictures.

But the pair were astonished when Boots refused to print the pictures because they suspected they were professional shots illegally downloaded on the internet.
Oh, good grief!
Miss Ornowska showed staff her student ID and a letter from the university proving they were her photos but the manager at the store in the Lower Precinct shopping centre in Coventry, West Midlands, still turned her away.
It seems it isn't just state organs that can be obtuse to the point of idiocy; some private companies can have the same 'rukles are rules' blindness. And once having made the decision, they don't want to back down.
'My friend was upset that she couldn't give them to her family. I was upset myself because they just shouldn't have done that. It's very unusual.

The staff said that they didn't believe that I'd taken them. It was crazy. Should I start taking very bad photos to be able to get them printed?'
Or go somewhere other than Boots...


  1. Were they naked photos? Was that the issue?

  2. Or go somewhere other than Boots...

    That's the crucial point, though. When a private company does this, we can at least do something about it.

  3. Or buy a printer...

  4. Anon 1235 - indeed.

    Why on earth did they need to go to Boots (or anywhere) in the first place?

  5. Harrison Bergeron.

    Think of it as evolution in action.

  6. /rant mode on

    Many at that firm really do seem to think they are state paramilitary police rather than shop assistants.

    For example my mum buys some Voltarol once every couple of months. This is basically a fancy version of Ibuprofen, i.e. doesn't contain any opioids so shouldn't be something to raise any red flags. However the jackbooted chumps behind the counter have given her the 3rd degree about it to the extent she has gone away steaming with rage and as if she has been treated like a criminal.

    Much like the PCSO types they are quick to bother anyone elderly or looking a bit vulnerable but are rather tame faced by people not in those categories. I went in on her behalf when I was down there last year and was looking forward to causing as much embarressment to them as possible but they were quiet as mice ... perhaps because rather than being 68 with walking difficulties I had my head shaved and looked "rather angry"...

    /rant mode off

    Fortunately she can go elsewhere as you say and now does.

  7. and why oh why when I buy those things you get to stick in that place do they alway insist on offering me £5 off some no7 make-up, is it 'cus I is ugly?

  8. James, you should know that the only thing Boots do with photos is process them they don't need to look at them to do that do they?

    And if they did look at them surely to inspect the quality of their work not content.

    Unless, unless there was a picture of a dragon or something interesting I suppose.

  9. I met a dragon once, she was quite nice but a bit rough

  10. Frankly the girl was a bit daft even going to Boots to get her repro done anyway.

    The monkeys they employ in thier photo labs would have stuffed it through the machine on automatic and not even bothered to correct the colour.

    Bad student! So much still to learn!

  11. and what ffs is exactly wrong with monkeys anon? apart from employing them to develop your treasured photos I have founds monkeys quite amenable until they get hungry of course ;)

    Now Bob Crow is a monkey, did anyone hear his rant after being shot down by a judge with balls. Now I stand firm that removing your services as a protest on conditions of work should be enshrined in law but ‘recommending a strike’ to his members instead of asking their opinion, FAIL. This is exactly the type of neanderthal wannabe boxer spoiling for a fight at his member’s, their employer’s, the tax payer’s and public’s expense we need to retire.

  12. this is his Email:
    so tell him why my train might be delayed and don't come up with elf n safety because our train operators employ people on better wages terms and conditions than most of us will ever enjoy. Well that is unless your a politician, lol.

    Oops, hijacked your blog again Julia, sorry!

    btw for his full rant follow the link:

  13. All part of the obnoxious attitudes displayed by many these days. It seems to be becoming a national trait which starts with government and festers its way down until everyone behaves like it.



  15. "That's the crucial point, though. When a private company does this, we can at least do something about it."

    Indeed. No such luck with state-provided 'servoices'..

    "Many at that firm really do seem to think they are state paramilitary police rather than shop assistants."

    They do, don't they? I often wonder is there's some company reward scheme involved.

    "All part of the obnoxious attitudes displayed by many these days."

    And even if iDave is elected (by default), it is only going to get worse...

  16. "un-fucking-believable"

    Not in 2010. Once, maybe. Not now.
