Wednesday 14 April 2010

”There are two kinds of folks who sit around thinking about how to kill people – psychopaths, and mystery writers”

And to those opening likes from ‘Castle’ we can add a third: ‘researchers’:
Women who eat high levels of carbohydrates - such as white bread, pizza and some types of pasta - are more likely to develop heart disease, warn researchers.
Should we heed this advice, or wait for the inevitable ‘Ooops, maybe we were too hasty’ announcement?


  1. I'm a mystery writer.

    Sadly, I can never finish them, because I sit there waiting for the ending.

    However, in my last failed attempt the baddie gets killed by being stabbed in the back of the neck with a broken-off table lamp. Still plugged in.

    I'm not a psycopath yet, however, I am training hard.

  2. I would probably add UK taxpayers to that list.

  3. Women who eat high levels of carbohydrates

    But not men? Isn't that sexist?

    are more likely to develop heart disease

    Please quantify more

  4. Please quantify more

    whoops, should have read the article thoroughly, it is quantified. After eight years less than half a percent of the women had developed heart disease, whereas two percent of men had. Yet the article goes on to moan about women's diets.....

  5. Hasn't the 5-a-day thing been completely blown out of the water by that recent big study on cancers? Showed no statistical proof that eating more fruit and veg has any effect the incidence of cancer.

    Good job I don't eat any fruit or veg really. Just butter, cheese, red meat. And my BMI is 20. Go figure.

  6. "I'm not a psycopath yet, however, I am training hard."

    I know the feeling! The election has been a bit of a catalyst there...

    "After eight years less than half a percent of the women had developed heart disease, whereas two percent of men had. Yet the article goes on to moan about women's diets....."

    Telling, no?

    "Hasn't the 5-a-day thing been completely blown out of the water by that recent big study on cancers? "

