Tuesday, 6 April 2010

A Victim Of The Smoking Ban?

Detectives were hunting a rapist today after he dragged a woman off the street while she was having a cigarette outside a restaurant.

The 25-year-old German tourist was attacked outside Paradiso E Inferno on The Strand in London's West End on Friday night.

Investigators said she was standing outside the busy restaurant shortly before 11pm when the 6ft tall black man grabbed her.

Or will the Righteous just say 'See! Smoking leads to rape!'..?


  1. Julia,

    I think we both know that tomorrows headline from ASH will be "Smoking Causes Rape"....

    Capt Ranty.

  2. What? You mean arbitrary State intervention has all sorts of unintended consequences?


  3. Such things are becoming all to common since 07/07. This bloody ban needs amending or repealing NOW.

  4. Most rapes caused by black people?
    Most pickpockets are black,
    Most muggers are black,
    Most burglars are white,

  5. Very unusual for the MSM to actually describe any non-white attacker.

    Any idea why the change?

  6. Hmm, nops Julia, smoking ban or not, rapist is rapist, removing opportunities for them isn't going to turn them into human beings.

    The reason the MSM mentions the ethnicity of the attacker is that Germans are at the bottom of most PC pecking orders as a lot of people are taught in school that their great grandparents were evil nazis which makes their progeny less than subhuman morally (and you Brits think you have problems... lol) and so, the juxtaposition of stereotypes has certain 'entertainment' value, the liberal crowds just love it when a naturally born racist is mangled by a naturally born rapist.

    Just add smoking and you have a great freakshow.

    Also compare the Terreblanche story that's current, apparently most lefties find it perfectly justified if such people are murdered.

  7. "The reason the MSM mentions the ethnicity of the attacker is that Germans are at the bottom of most PC pecking orders as a lot of people are taught in school that their great grandparents were evil nazis..."

    Plus, being a tourist, there's that 'Ah. Not one of us' attitude.

    "Also compare the Terreblanche story that's current, apparently most lefties find it perfectly justified if such people are murdered."

    Yes, seen a lot of comments to that effect from the sort of lefties that would howl in outrage were anyone to suggest, say, that Arthur Scargill should have met with an 'accident'...

  8. Wouldn't have happened if the Germans had won the war, or if churhill hadn't hit his 'ead.

  9. Capt. Ranty thought he was making a joke with the "Smoking Causes Rape" thing, but last November a fellow in San Francisco objected to his roommate smoking on their balcony. The two fought over it and the roommate when out to smoke again. So the Antismoker in this case pulled out a knife and stabbed the smoker 8 times in the head, face and neck.

    The Anti *did* get arrested, but the police detective added the comment for the press that "It's just another good reason not to smoke."

    And no, I am not kidding. See: http://www.insidebayarea.com/sanmateocountytimes/localnews/ci_13869376

    Kind of brings to mind those old comments of "What did she expect when she dresses like that?"

    Michael J. McFadden
    Author of "Dissecting Antismokers' Brains"

  10. "Kind of brings to mind those old comments of "What did she expect when she dresses like that?""

    Good grief! Smokers really are being 'denormalised' aren't they? The US is just that tiny bit ahead of us...
