Friday 30 July 2010

Next Time, James, Run Over A Judge Or Two, Eh?

A man, who was jailed for two years after ploughing a quad bike into an ambulance worker on Southend seafront, has a string of motoring offences, a court was told.
No!!! Surely not?

I’m shocked, shocked, to find that a man with a string of motoring offences would be driving a quad bike at bonkers speeds along a residential street!
James Lewis, 28, left Victor Brushette, 56, with a punctured lungs, eight fractured ribs, a broken shoulder and leg injuries so serious, he faces a long battle to ever walk again.
Oh, well. We’ve plenty of paramedics, right? We won’t miss another one.

I mean, the country needs paramedics, but surely it needs loveable rogues like James Lewis even more to make its streets interesting and vibrant?

And look! He’s sorry!
Lewis, a dad-of-two, from Poplar, East London, told Basildon Crown Court, he was “remorseful and disgusted” by his actions on May 23.
Awww, who could hold it against him? It was just a bit of boyish fun, after all:
On that day he drove his unregistered black Suzuki quad bike at speeds of up to 60 miles per hour in Western Esplanade, despite speed limit being 30mph.

Lewis has 20 previous convictions – mostly for driving offences – and spent three months in a young offender institution for driving while disqualified in 2002.
Clearly, prison doesn’t work, as the progressives keep telling us. Well, it doesn't work if you never go there, that's for sure...

Oh, well, no doubt the judge will have to come down hard on hi…

The judge said: “You drove in an irresponsible nature of the highest order. Fortunately for you, you did not kill this ambulance worker. ”
It’s pretty fortunate for the ambulance worker, too, you might think…
He was sentenced to two years in custody and banned from driving for four years.
That’ll learn him! Not

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