Friday 30 July 2010

Make Love, Not War!

It seems Mark Wadsworth's cow war is turning....well, see for yourself:
A passer-by saw a young man with what is believed to have been an English longhorn cow and when challenged the man pulled up his brief-style underwear and rode off on a bicycle.

Police say it is not the first time an incident of this nature in Skipwith - which is between York and Selby - has been reported to them.
He should be done for fraternisation with the enemy...

H/T Anna Raccoon and the APiLN blog


  1. Great picture as well. Abused cow is feeling abused.

  2. As the late great Omar Bradley used to say, 'It ain't fraternising if you keep your weight on your elbows.'

  3. Ta for link. No wonder the cows hate us!

    PS, recent commments widget is working again.

  4. "Great picture as well."

    Yes, just incase you were unaware what a cow looked like.

    "As the late great Omar Bradley used to say, 'It ain't fraternising if you keep your weight on your elbows.'"


    "PS, recent commments widget is working again."

    Oh, yes!

    "The cow WAS horny"

