Wednesday 11 August 2010


AlJahom has the perfect post title for this one:

Well, at least she was jailed. Not before her brief could try out one of the well-tested pleas for mitigation though:
Anne Brown, for the defence, said Moss was ‘overwhelmed by feelings of enormous shame’.
Hmm, I'll take that with a large pinch of salt...

H/T Mark Wadsworth


  1. a classic case or a rare case, I suppose it depends on whether your a feminist or not

    did you know that she as any other alleged victim of rape will have received 10's of thousands of pounds in compensation. this money given on making an allegation regardless of it bieng true or false, conviction or not. so ask yourselves why do women make false allegations of rape, shame or money or both.

  2. btw this excuse for a woman, shame! I think not

  3. support that is usless to those who make false allegations is a simple answer to stopping parasitic bints routinely fucking with the system and destroying innocent men's lives

  4. remember the little girl that stood up in court and said 'I told my mummy they raped me because I wanted some sweets'?

    And we wonder where these people come from, again its no mystery.

  5. And people succeeded in shouting down rape anonimity...

  6. ready, fire, aim

  7. oops, wrong target, oh dear, never mind, what a shame. only another man's life in tatters!!!

  8. Hey, this anonymous is crazy. She likes to spresd her comments out. Is it you? You have a propensity to six in a row. Do own up.

  9. so ya think I'm crazy? Ah well at least I now have the luxury of being anonymous, Julia will know who I am by that comment alone and yes I am sometimes not entirely capable of keeping my emotions in check when I read about this stuff. I believe I have good reason and my vent, not at all unreasonable.

    btw, there is an off button

  10. OFF. Julia, this is obviously you. Are you unemployed? Or is that arude question?

  11. I just can't wait to see what Julia makes of this. So let me get this straight, you think I am Julia? You don't know her clearly.

    back to her post, all fucking false rape accusers must fucking hang, lets see what you make of that.......

  12. "...did you know that she as any other alleged victim of rape will have received 10's of thousands of pounds in compensation. this money given on making an allegation regardless of it bieng true or false, conviction or not."

    Really? I wasn't aware of that. Until the Greek case, I'd assumed it was mostly for revenge/mischief/delaying tactics or just mental illness....

    "And people succeeded in shouting down rape anonimity..."

    Indeed. So mucg for a coalition of principle, eh?

    "Ah well at least I now have the luxury of being anonymous, Julia will know who I am by that comment alone..."

    I can guess.. ;)

    "Julia, this is obviously you. Are you unemployed? Or is that arude question?"

    Eh..? You think I'm commenting on my own blog as an anonymous?

    Errr, no. I'm not.
