Wednesday 11 August 2010

Lying About Rape: Overseas Special

It seems, like all potentially-lucrative enterprises, it's branching out:
Reports in the Greek media claim the woman is involved in 'organised fraud' and Mr Mitchell's lawyer says he has learned she has made three similar rape claims, earning £666,315 in insurance and compensation.

At least four of her victims are said to be Britons.

H/T AntiCitizenOne and Mark Wadsworth


  1. there you go,

    have an ill concived child, result - free house, garunteed income for the forseeable

    false allegation of rape, result - free money and sympathy

  2. In some parts of the world they have the opposite problem ...
    ...Back in July, Ha’aretz reported the story of a former Arab convict named Alladin who would find these young female peace activist staying in nearby villages, he would tell them he was on the run from the Shabak (Israel security), and ask them to hide him.

    These young female dupes would of course be happy to help an Arab on the lam from the Israeli authorities and let him sleep in their rooms.

    So far one girl initially came forward about the attempted rape against her. She was found wandering the village of Umm Salmuna (near Bethlehem) in a state of shock, so who knows if the attempt actually failed. But in the end retracted her story due to pressure to “not hurt the cause”.

    Pressure that came from the PA and the leftwing protest organizers.

    Haaretz had learned that representatives of both the popular protest movement and the PA have since applied pressure on the American peace activist as to prevent her from making the story public.

    The story could have ended there, except that there’s more.

    Apparently, quite a number of female protesters have been sexually assaulted and molested by the Arabs they are protesting for. ...

  3. Did harsh laws such as testimony (only those who could cling to their own testes could give evidence) arise to stop female perjury?

  4. Alladin, - last seen 'rubbing his lamp'.

  5. "false allegation of rape, result - free money and sympathy"

    Only up until thr point you're found out! Not that you get an appropriate level of punishment then, mind...

    "In some parts of the world they have the opposite problem ..."

    Good lord..!

    "Did harsh laws such as testimony (only those who could cling to their own testes could give evidence) arise to stop female perjury?"

    Heh! The boot is certainly on the other foot now, isn't it?

    Now the one with the iron grip on the poor bloke's tenders is most likely to be on the distaff side...
