Monday 30 August 2010

Bank Holiday Round-Up

Because I'm enjoying this, the last Bank Holiday before Christmas, too much to spoil it with a look through the news, here's a selection of excellent posts from others:

DumbJon has the guaranteed shoo-in recipe for Oscar success.

David Duff ponders the universal fear of the dark.

Counting Cats is looking for reasons to watch one of the greatest shows of the modern age.

Longrider notes the (sadly totally predictable) consequences of allowing Town Hall staff access to wider sources of information.

Fuel Injected Moose has a 'Gordon' moment.

Ross finds consternation at the possibility of offensive words in Scrabble.

Tom Harris shows once again why he's probably the only Labour blogger worth reading.

Normal service will be resumed tomorrow.


  1. Thanks for the mention ;-)

  2. "Because I'm enjoying this, the last Bank Holiday before Christmas, too much to spoil it with a look through the news,"

    I've been enjoying the traditional Bank Holiday pursuit of watching "Tora, Tora, Tora" whilst swilling beer and eating barbecued kebabs.

    "Pearl Harbour" really was crap in comparison wasn't it?

    PS Bucko, liked the piece about the baseball bat.

  3. 'Peal Harbour' proved that all the amazing special effects in the world won't rescue a movie that has no heart. Sadly, Hollywood still hasn't learned that lesson.
