Saturday 21 August 2010

OK, Who Can We Charge With Wasting Public Money?

Sorry, that should be 'more public money':
BBC television presenter Ray Gosling is to be charged with wasting police time after claiming on air that he smothered his terminally ill lover.
I mean, seriously, what's the point of this?

Is it disappointment that it turned out not to be true and they can't lay more serious charges? Do they believe a judge is going to impose a fine equivalent to the cost of the investigation?


  1. because it is in the public intrest to hound a man who highlights the need to change the law re assisted suicide

    but it is not in the public intrest to persue an animal dressed as a copper who beats a newspaper seller to death as he walks away with his hands in his pockets

  2. welcome to Great Britain, home of usless pricks otherwise known as the police and the CPS

  3. i want a full refund for my wasted tax, where do I apply?

  4. correction he was not dressed as a copper, he diguised himself before launching an unprovocked attack on an innocent man

  5. The programme was broadcast in February, and it's taken until August for the Police to conjour up some sour grapes charges.

    That's six months. Six whole months. I guess we should just be grateful that they don't air traffic control.

    It's the Police and CPS who have wasted time and my tax money. They should be charging themselves.

  6. Poor old Ray Gosling. I used to love his whimsical radio and TV programmes a few years ago. I also admired his documentary about his bankruptcy, the loss of his partner and his slow slide downwards and was pleased to think he was getting back on his feet. There is no clear public interest box being ticked in this malicious prosection of a silly old sod and I hope common sense is applied soon. I hope Ray sorts himself out. When you think WHO they should be prosecuting and don't. An easy conviction I suppose.

  7. "i want a full refund for my wasted tax, where do I apply?"

    I think you'll have to join the back of a VERY long queue..!

    "It's the Police and CPS who have wasted time and my tax money. They should be charging themselves."

    Quite so.

    "There is no clear public interest box being ticked in this malicious prosection of a silly old sod and I hope common sense is applied soon."

    Common sense is, it seems, not as common as one supposes...
