Saturday 21 August 2010

She Should Be Easy To Catch...

...because looking at her picture, she won't be spending too much time on the run:
Wendy Lewis, 32, of Princess Street, Blackpool, was due to be sentenced at the town's magistrates court earlier.

Lewis was last week convicted in her absence of outraging public decency.

As she arrived at the court, she swore at the veterans - some of whom called her "disgusting" - but left the building before the hearing began. A warrant has been issued for her arrest.
In fact, she looks like the word 'run' is somewhat unfamiliar. Not, however, the words 'pies' or 'chips'...


  1. She got up and down those step nimbly enough in the video.

  2. Last week I held open a shop door for another rough and ready, when she loudly screamed "Who the f*** do you think you are?". This was witnessed by her own offspring.

    Such people are Mothers to unlucky children and I am losing patience with the increasingly obscene and loutish behaviour from our so called 'gentle' sex.

  3. Is that Sandra or Tracey, I know it's one of the Fat Slags!

    Alas I fear that Melvin's experience is not a solitary one.

    In a shop not a million miles away from Sevenoaks in that beloved area known as 'Bat & Ball'not one of the people, mostly female by the way, in the queue ahead of me uttered the words 'please' or 'thankyou' and any thing else said sounded like a grunt.

    Different up in the the town of course but then the arrogance level rises dramatically. There's no happy medium.

  4. We need some better rules on what is rude and offensive. I'm sick of the way we revere war (and leave veterans to 'Cardboard City'), donkey do like this woman and a whole load of "polite" stuff too. Good Queen Bess farted and swore like a trooper, and those of us protesting 'no war in Iraq' probably got less publicity than this slag who couldn't outrun a guy with a camera.
    Weirdly enough, if she had her pee in political protest I might be bothered to defend her One somehow thinks it more likely she is of the sort MTG cultivates with door opening!

  5. I notice the blow-job she gave got scant attention. At least in that report.

  6. "Last week I held open a shop door for another rough and ready, when she loudly screamed "Who the f*** do you think you are?". This was witnessed by her own offspring."

    Oh, that sounds awfully familiar...

    But at least you got SOME reaction. Far more annoying when they sail through without even glancing at you.

    "Alas I fear that Melvin's experience is not a solitary one."

    Sadly, no...

    "Weirdly enough, if she had her pee in political protest I might be bothered to defend her..."

    She doesn't look like she's got much of a grasp of politics, modern or ancient, to me...

    "I notice the blow-job she gave got scant attention."

    I think the reporter just didn't want to dwell on that aspect. Can't say I blame him.

