Wednesday 27 October 2010

Could We Possibly Need MORE Awareness Of Islam?

A week of events to raise awareness of Islam will take place next month.

Oh, well, it's their money, I suppo...

The council has organised a range of activities and events throughout the borough, from November 1.
Clearly, Walthamstow Council isn't suffering much from the cuts, is it?


  1. Regardless if the council has pots of money to spare, it's just not their job!

  2. Walthamstow, in line with many other councils up and down the country need a forcibly worded reminder that their remit extends to street lighting, street cleansing, public parks and gardens, refuse collections, public libraries and their contributions towards local Firefighting & Policing and no further..

    If they have the time & money to indulge in this kind of nonsense, then they're either over-staffed .. or, more likely neglecting that for which they're being paid by Council Tax payers ..

  3. These councils never have the foresight to budget for post event clean ups. I have to assume that this awareness week includes the obligatory exploding humans.

  4. "These councils never have the foresight to budget for post event clean ups. I have to assume that this awareness week includes the obligatory exploding humans" ...

    Wonder whether they'll be having a "Hog-roast" ???

  5. Thanks, but I am already fully aware of Islam.

  6. Will they have stoning demonstrations and workshops on building explosive vests?
    If the inhabitants of Walthamstow put up with this then they damn well deserve it.

  7. When we point out the muslim take over, it is pointed out to us, "oh, they are only 4 to 5% of the population. NO need to worry".

    Hmm OBVIOUSLY the BBC and friends, the Westminster dictatorship, and friends in town halls all over Britain, appear to think 4 to 5% of the population is significant enough to justify the endless crap shoved at us relating to the wee shi'ites.

    SOME one is worrying, and when it is the "Government" that starts then....

  8. Check out the council website for a full breakdown of what awaits the 'uninformed' citizens of Walthamstow.

    But (as a once frequent visitor there) I can't understand why IAW is necessary - based on (for instance) what clothing other shoppers were wearing I'd think that they already knew...

  9. "oh, they are only 4 to 5% of the population. NO need to worry".


  10. Microdave, aye, WE know that.

    NOT only that, but they, as this thread proves, punch WAY above their weight in the "democcracy stakes".

    EVERYTHING Hitler said about Jews was shite, but if he had put those theories foreward rtegarding a certain "people" today, then....

    To think we HUNG Julius Streicher!!

  11. I really don't know who dreams up this rubbish.

  12. "Regardless if the council has pots of money to spare, it's just not their job!"

    Good point! If the mosque/church/synagogue wants 'awareness' it's up to them to fund, surely?

    "Walthamstow, in line with many other councils up and down the country need a forcibly worded reminder that their remit extends to street lighting, street cleansing, public parks and gardens, refuse collections, public libraries and their contributions towards local Firefighting & Policing and no further.."

    It's about time the coalition started up a 'league table' so we could see just which council was doing this well, and which councils were doing something entirely different...

    "If the inhabitants of Walthamstow put up with this then they damn well deserve it."

    As anon points out, it's likely to suit them quite well, even if they personally don't require any more 'awareness'...

    "..OBVIOUSLY the BBC and friends, the Westminster dictatorship, and friends in town halls all over Britain, appear to think 4 to 5% of the population is significant enough to justify the endless crap shoved at us relating to the wee shi'ites."

    Indeed. Talk about punching above your weight...

    "I really don't know who dreams up this rubbish."

    Keep an eye on the well-paid, seemingly bullet-proof council staff to find out...
