Monday 22 November 2010

I Spoke Too Soon...

...surely in the 'Quintessential 21st Century Newspaper Headlines' stakes, this ought to be a front-runner too:

Adan Abobaker, 37, told today of the dramatic rescue but shrugged off praise for his heroism, saying: “I only did what needed to be done.”
Here's hoping the publicity at least does him some good.


  1. Heroes are found in the most unlikely of places. Let's hope this selfless act of courage is the catalyst that sets him back on his feet.

  2. “I only did what needed to be done.”

    Someone ought to reward a deserving man with a decent job and accommodation.

  3. Didn't anyone tell him that you can't just jump in the water to save someone, there's forms to be filled in, and training to be undertaken first. I demand the Health & Safety Executive make a full enquiry into this case, and prosecute Mr Abobaker for his reckless disregard of H&S regulations.

    Of course, if they don't, can we hear no more about policemen and firemen leaving members of the public to drown because they are afraid of being prosecuted for H&S violations?

  4. "Let's hope this selfless act of courage is the catalyst that sets him back on his feet."

    It would be a nice end to a nasty little tale, wouldn't it?

    "Someone ought to reward a deserving man with a decent job and accommodation."

    It seems he has employment, at least. It says he works as a chef.

    "...can we hear no more about policemen and firemen leaving members of the public to drown because they are afraid of being prosecuted for H&S violations?"

    Very good point!
