Monday 22 November 2010

The Quintessential 21st Century Local Newspaper Headline?


And it gets better. This chap clearly has identity issues:
The court was told Hollis-Pekkanen was sent a first warning letter by the council about his behaviour in August last year.

It was served by the police but he did not believe the officer was a genuine policeman and continued his campaign against both victims.
He got a suspended sentence, and the article doesn't mention whether the bizarre harassment has continued but I can assume it hasn't, or there'd be reference to it.

Sartre was right; hell clearly IS other people. Even those you might expect to show some understanding about what it's like to be different...


  1. It's the quintessential local newspaper headline in Brighton.

  2. The cops should have spelled it out for him.

  3. Very poor reporting from the Argus.

    The story is one of two possibilities. Either he was being plotted against by a council employee and has some reasonable grounds for complaint, or he's not very well in the head and is imagining all sorts of things.

    The Argus makes no attempt to find out which might be the truth.

    At least one person claims:

    Pauli was constantly harassed by one of the un named women and her husband and cohorts. She constantly stated that she wanted him moved and lied repeatedly about her actions. Her dogs attacked his dogs twice and she never attempted to apologise for this happening. He is a very poorly man and did not deserve this treatment. The transgender person was absolutely useless as a council officer and I am surprised she even kept her job after the deliberate lies she told everyone. I always thought that we had a right of protest in this country which is what Pauli was trying to do, obviously Brighton council don't subscribe to this idea at all.

    Instead, a representative of the paper comes on to say they think it is important to cover criminal issues. So it is, but what is an investigative newshound for if not to at least poke round the story?

  4. Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose or rather not, perhaps!

    A few years back there was a bit of a local thingymygig about a transgender former dude insisting on using the ladies' toilets. This being Yorkshire and it being a pretty small local boozer the patrons weren't too happy. He/she won the case and the landlord was nicely fined but we truly are moving into the new frontier!

  5. This has made me realise how utterly bloody boring my own life is. Even the word verification says, "ampitio" I'm off to the sex change shop.

  6. Hand him over to the radharpies at AROOO. They deserve one another...

  7. "The Argus makes no attempt to find out which might be the truth."

    Local newspapers don't do journalism any morte. But indeed, the comments are often far, far more enlightening than the story.

    And frequently unmoderated.

    "This has made me realise how utterly bloody boring my own life is."


    "Hand him over to the radharpies at AROOO. They deserve one another..."

    That's a bit like importing cane toads to destroy pests - didn't turn out so well for Australia!
