Friday 10 December 2010

Better To Keep Your Mouth Shut And Be Thought A Fool…

…than open it, and remove all doubt.

Wouldn’t you agree, David Amess MP?
Speaking in the Commons, the Tory MP for Southend West told Transport Minister Norman Baker Southend did very little to help its 100-year-old bike riders.

He said: “Like most cycle networks in the country, ours does not best meet the needs of centenarians.

“Our ageing population very much depends on buses.

“Given the bus companies are asking for subsidies and the local authority has no money, can the Government help?”
The number of bike-riding centenarians in Southend seems to be about the same as the number of brain cells possessed by its MP….
Southend Wheeler club member Roy Godbeer, from Hullbridge, still cycles competitively aged 81, but doubts he’ll be able to manage even a leisurely ride at 100.
On a bike, I presume he means..?
The discussion in Parliament said cash was available from the local transport fund to support cycling provision.

But Mark Flewitt, Southend councillor responsible for transport and planning, said the council was unlikely to make such a bid.

He said: “While it’s wonderful to think 100-year-olds might cycle, I wouldn’t recommend it.”


  1. Most bizarre rent seeking evah!

  2. Raleigh Pedalpusher10 December 2010 at 12:12

    Subsidise them, but only if they ride Penny-Farthing bicycles.

  3. Oh I don't know - I'll be quite happy if I (a) reach 100 and (b) am still able to ride my bike.

  4. off topic Julia - got a link to the BBC interview with Gilmour ?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Presumably, as with bus lanes, creating cycle lanes attracts automatic state subsidy?

    More ammunition for my Facebook campaign
    "Stop Pandering to Pedestrians (and Cyclists)"

  7. "Subsidise them, but only if they ride Penny-Farthing bicycles."

    That, I'd pay to see!

    "Oh I don't know - I'll be quite happy if I (a) reach 100 and (b) am still able to ride my bike."

    Me too, and I don't even ride one now!

    "off topic Julia - got a link to the BBC interview with Gilmour ?"

    Sadly, no, and I can't find one on YouTube or via iPlayer. It was quite extraordinary, the interview at the time clearly had no idea it was Gilmour, and presumably just picked him out of the crowds because he was an 'odd looking' character.

    What a scoop, eh?

    "Presumably, as with bus lanes, creating cycle lanes attracts automatic state subsidy?"

    I wouldn't be a bit surprised...

  8. Given this is the fella who asked a question in Parliament about the status of Cake, a made-up drugm after being taken for a complete moron by Chris Morris, what do you expect?

  9. I wouldn't have thought there were that many 100 year old bicycles around. Hardly seems worth the trouble.
