Sunday 19 December 2010

Sunday Funnies

Not really surprising there are no red-nosed reindeer in this one...


  1. Those badgers are psychos! I now see where the expression "madder than a box full of badgers" comes from.

  2. Honey Badgers are 7 kinds of awesome

    If you ever go to Howletts ( or is Port Lympne) Siberian Tigers , bit of chain link fence keeping them in

    Honey Badgers, Wall + Moat + Electric fencing ( and it wouldn't surprise me if the was a hidden minefield) the keeper told us NOBODY goes in with the Honey Badgers, they just toss their dinner over the wall.

  3. Down at the Wildwood park near Herne Bay in Kent, every animal has a warning sign on its enclosure saying 'Caution - this animal may bite'.

    Except for my relatives, whose sign proudly proclaims 'Caution - this animal will bite'

    And it's true.

  4. "I now see where the expression "madder than a box full of badgers" comes from."


    @Pavlov's Cat & @UncleBadger: I remember reading an anecdote in a book by a former zookeeper at Aspinall's zoo, regarding the eccentric owner's penchant for walking his beasts around the grounds.

    The keeper was walking a young ratel on a leash, when he came upon another walking a young Bengal tiger in the opposite direction. The ratel went straight for the tiger's balls, despite being outweighed about 4 to 1...
