Sunday 19 December 2010

‘Turning Your Life Around’ FAIL!

A widow whose husband was stabbed to death just months after being released from prison says he had “turned his life around” before he was killed.
Oh, it’s terrible when something like that happens, I mean, I’m all for rehabilitation second chances and…

Oh. Wait.
Lenny Kempley died aged 54 on July 17 after being stabbed 12 times by Ross Flynn in Downham Way, Downham, following a brawl between the two in a pub car park earlier in the evening.

Martin Heslop, representing Flynn, told the court Mr Kempley had returned to the pub after the fight to look for Flynn before finding him in Downham Way and stabbing him twice before Flynn stabbed him.
Ah. OK. Well, clearly, ‘turning your life around’ means something quite different in Downham…
Mr Kempley had been released from prison eight months before he was killed, after serving an 18 year sentence for attempted robbery and making use of a firearm with intent to resist arrest.
Well, I suppose since he didn’t try to shoot Flynn, it’s technically correct…


  1. shame it took so long for someone to give him what he dished out, But lets look at the facts, Kempley, Nothing but trouble then gets killed, Didn't this happen to.
    Johnny Walker?.
    Dave White?.
    They all got there come upence.

    1. Johnny Walker killed Dave White and got done for manslaughter.
      John died of a heart attack.

  2. who killed Dave White?, What klinky? Good news about Kemply he was nothing but a wanker, Johnny walker was hard as fuck but that didn't stop a knife to the neck finishing him off, Remember Gordon and Dave but not the younger one, So fill me in who killed klinky and what one was it and when?.

    1. It was Johnny Walker who killed Dave White, back in 85.

  3. Kempley was a no good for nothing druggy twat, He had a lovely wife Yasmin, I remember her from primary school, A pretty girl then and grew up even better, Met that twat Kempley and ended her and four children's lives through fear of him, A young life wasted, I got called out of the tavern one night for a ID parade down catford nick, Ended up it was kempley cut someone up in the Northover, He got pulled out and knicked for it, Always hanging around with the shee's how ever you spell there name, They was nothing but cunts as well wankers on their own thugs in a gang, Glad he met his match and got what he dished out over the years, RIP Kempley.... ROT-IN-PISS.

  4. Hi I'm one of yasmin sisters. I was shocked to hear about Kempley but not surprising the way he threw himself about. To tell the truth I was so scared of him but I loved yasmin, hayley stacy and becky so much. I miss them all terribly. They didn't even get to say goodbye. Such a waste of their lives because of him. I hope he rots in hell

    1. Yasmin never took her life because of Lenny, Yasmin and the girls one of which wasn't Lennys wanted for nothing. Yasmin screwed up and couldn't sort it so took her life and her kids life. She said good by too some family in her own way drove 250 miles before she did it. As for her own family they didn't speak to her. The facts of the night Lenny died are patchy Flynn wasn't alone and who ever was there took the murder weapon.

    2. Pip. My name is Jo. I'm Barbara daughter yasmin best friend. If u remember her. I think we had ur dog Sacha. And u even babysat for me with becky . I hope u get this message. Email me don't want to put my number on here

    3. Did u get my 1st mess I'm Barbara's daughter joanne

    4. I beg anyone that was a friend of yasmin to email me. she was my mum Barbara best friend the day she died she came to our house all was normal but she knew what she had planned as that night she didn't let me go me and becky was joint at the hip. Pip if u see this message please get contact me.

  5. What year did johnny walker die? good mate of mine back in the day, moved away and lost contact, lovely family if you was on the right side of them.

  6. Nick66.
    What year did Johnny die?, i was misinformed about who killed who from the book Borstal Girls, it said in there that Dave killed Johnny down the squire.

  7. I don't think it matters if Flynn was alone or not the important thing is that piece of scum will no longer cause trouble where ever he goes, along with me i bet there's hundreds of people who would buy Flynn a drink and who ever was with him.

    Yasmin may of messed up but to be scared enough of your husband and do what she done as a way out is something no woman should be, she feared him because of the way he lived his life and that was a life of being evil, may he still be Rotting In Piss.

  8. Its taken me a long time to write on here. Lenny wasn't the best man. But he wasn't the worst. I was best mates with one of his daughters becky. We was thick as thieves..he had two other daughters Hailey and Stacey buy unfortunately the mother of his children and my best friend decided one night to come to our house as she did back in the 80s have a drink a meal and leave. That night she drugged the girls and put a hose through the car in a carpark and killed them all. So yes he ain't an angel and wasn't but he had ur back and tried to me he was like Robin Hood. I don't agree with anyone getting hurt or killed but he just done stuff the wrong way. But if u knew him. He was a gentleman to women. He was actually an alright bloke. So for someone to loose his kids so sadly ..ask urself
