Monday 24 January 2011

Factory-Farmed Children

Under-16s now spend twice as much leisure time in the home as they do in green spaces, it was claimed.

Researchers said the “indoor generation” was becoming increasingly ignorant of nature as parents allow them to waste hours in front of the television, video games and the internet.
And does this strike a chord with some?
Dr William Bird, GP and advisor to Natural England, said: “If you want to deal with obesity and physical activity, it has got to include the natural environment.”

He added: “The outdoors for children creates resilience so they can cope with more stresses; they can actually increase their concentration, they can improve their work.”
Ah. Well, you would say that, wouldn’t you?


  1. Kind of agree with his point.

    But I do not wish to see the lower classes walking (and vandalising) aimlessly in the countryside, when they should be working.

  2. He's right though. We don't all want to sit 24/7 in front of a screen.

    What a card Furor T. is not wishing to see the working classes out and about and obviously up to no good. Is FT a wind-up? I bloody hope so.

  3. If you knew your own countries history (assuming you are British) then you would know from where the quote, derives.

    (Although I have slightly altered it, it is still reccognisable).

  4. No-one ever seems to question just why under 16's spend so much time indoors ..

    Could it be very real fear on the part of parents that our streets are no longer safe, even in broad daylight ? .. (See previous thread re Dangerous Dogs & Violent Scumbags)..

    Could it possibly be the realisation by parents that the Police are no longer to be trusted as a "friend" to their children ?

    Could it even be that parents wearily have to accept the fact that when the Paedophiles, Violent scumbags, Habitual drunks, Druggies etc who frequent our public spaces eventually get caught, they end up receiving a slap on the wrist & two quid out of the poor box ?

    No-one in their right mind can lay the blame entirely at the door of parents .. The Government, Police, Courts, Lawyers & Social workers must shoulder their collective & individual shares of the blame for permitting this Country to become the way it is ..

  5. How green is my wallet24 January 2011 at 12:22

    If the kids go outside, they could be subject to harm.

    Insects, climbing and falling out of trees, twisted ankles when running, hazardous chemicals sprayed in fields, used drug needles in hedgerows, strange people leering at strangers, roads full of junior racers doing handbrake turns, bobbies nowhere to be seen ...

    'Every child matters' should be replaced by 'every child needs an elf n safety adviser full-time.' And a day-glo jacket, and a GPS tracker, a crash helmet, and padded clothes...

  6. "Kind of agree with his point."

    Oh, me too. It's just interesting how its picked up by vested interests and no-one seems to ever point that out...

    "Could it be very real fear on the part of parents that our streets are no longer safe, even in broad daylight ?"

    The MSM has certainly done their part in instilling that fear.

    "'Every child matters' should be replaced by 'every child needs an elf n safety adviser full-time.' And a day-glo jacket, and a GPS tracker, a crash helmet, and padded clothes..."

    Far easier to just stay indoors...

  7. Mister FT. You do not alter quotes. If you do that, they're not quotes. I know my country's history. I also know yours. Sorry.

    I have the greatest admiration for German people. Generally speaking. But you sir, are an arse.

    Also, your profile says that you 'dislike all things English.' So why are you here? Probably because your own country-men also KNOW that you're an arse.

  8. Hello MTG, to cowardly to sign in here then?

  9. WHERE does it say that in my "profile". I can not find it, and I fucking WROTE my profile.

  10. Mister Furor Ridiculous,

    You may delete, but the memory of what you wrote lives on. Pages are cached.

    You said that you disliked all things English and hated sport. That has been recorded for posterity.

    Get over it. It would be good if you realised that a quotation cannot be altered and that it must be attributed.

    Your mock outrage is ridiculous. I am also of German origin. I write English better than you and I do not disgrace, or bring shame on my people.

  11. XX You said that you disliked all things English and hated sport. That has been recorded for posterity.XX

    So what?

    I DO!

    Now what you going to do arse hole?
