Monday 24 January 2011

What Would It Have To Do To Constitute ‘A Danger To Public Safety’, Then?

Palmer had become involved in an argument with Simon Whittall and Stephen Littlewood on Froghall Lane around 1pm that suddenly became violent.

The court heard how witnesses saw the defendant release bulldog ‘Dougie’ which attacked Mr Littlewood, biting him.

He managed to escape without serious injury, but the horror continued as the dog attacked Mr Whittall.

Prosecuting, Meirion Lewis-Jones said: “He was subjected to a long and vicious attack and Mr Whittall was not in a position to defend himself.”

The court heard how he suffered bites on his arms, legs, torso and groin.
And Palmer clearly wasn’t about to let a mere dog do a thug’s job:
Palmer also repeatedly hit him with the dog chain and stamped on his head. The attack only finished when two women shouted for the defendant to stop.
Just another night out in Liverpool…
Mr Whittall, aged 39, later died on September 9 after suffering a bleed to his brain, but Judge John Roberts said medical evidence did not prove that Palmer’s attack had caused his death.
It probably didn’t help, did it?
The defendant, who boasted about the incident on Facebook and appearing in the Warrington Guardian, pleaded guilty to one count of grevous bodily harm, two counts of assault and of owning the dog which was out of control.

Since being on bail he was seen by police with another bulldog in the town centre.

The court heard how he told officers to stay away from the animal because it had been trained to attack policemen.
Lovely, don’t you agree?

Not a first offence either, I take it?
Palmer also has a previous conviction for assault, after another town centre incident during which he spat in another man’s face.

He has other previous convictions for affray, criminal damage and cultivating and possessing cannabis.
Andf the penalty for this?

Ooh, hold onto your socks, it’s a good one!
Judge Roberts sentenced Palmer to three and a half years for GBH, 11 months for ABH and 14 months for owning a dangerous dog which was out of control in a public place.

The sentences will run concurrently. He will be eligible for release in 18 months.
Told you!

Still, at least the dog’s a goner, surely?
The dog was given a contingent destruction order, meaning it will be destroyed if it attacks again.

It must remain muzzled in public places and Palmer was also banned from keeping dogs.
Judge Roberts said: “You deliberately let your dog off the lead. Anyone who has seen the photographs can only feel horror at the extent of these injuries.

“However, the dog is not a danger to public safety.”
Oh. Really? Did you not watch any of the news last year?

Or is it OK, if it just mauls the friends or family of the scumbag who formerly owned it, and not a member of the public?


  1. I'm not planning to try it, especially as our dogs past the new tricks stage, but I'm curious: how do you train a dog to attack policemen? Do you start off by annoying it with officious security guards before moving on to PCSOs telling it not to take photographs, or what?

  2. Illustrating why people do not feel able to let their children out of the house as per your previous post.

  3. Oh that's easy, when you're house training it as a pup, everytime it craps on the carpet, you beat it with a PC Plod stuffed toy. To train it to be racist, you do the same thing only use a Gollywog..

  4. He would have served longer if he'd have sold them some pills or coke…

  5. "A danger to public safety" is someone who lamps a public-sector employee.

  6. He's not a "Danger to Public Safety" if he only attacks black people.

    All kinds of incomprehensible news stories suddenly make sense if you only do a bit of racial profiling...

  7. Thater was a time when you could get anything ujp to and including "life" for a Section 18 (GBH).

    This bastard deliberately loosed his dog on his victim and stamped on the victim's head as he lay defenceless on the ground. The victim died of his injuries. I'd call that murder, wouldn't you?

    They used to hang people for that. The offender won't even get to serve two years. That's how much a life is worth these days. How the times have changed...

  8. Buggerit! The typos will teach me not to type while not wearing my specs...

  9. If the dog only bites/mauls the friends & family of said scumbag ..

    Then I'd say it was performing a public service .. given that they're more than likely to be from the same mould ..

  10. Ought to just lock the bastard in a small room with a couple of large dogs of a similar mentality...

  11. Have you no sympathy? Have you no compassion? Are you all dog haters?...

    Frankly, this one baffles me. Is there a class of biteable people? Can I have a go? (Gnash Gnash..)

  12. "Do you start off by annoying it with officious security guards before moving on to PCSOs telling it not to take photographs, or what?"


    "Illustrating why people do not feel able to let their children out of the house as per your previous post."

    Indeed! Though I rather doubt the other two men in the story are unknown to the police themselves, mind you...

    "He would have served longer if he'd have sold them some pills or coke… "


    "All kinds of incomprehensible news stories suddenly make sense if you only do a bit of racial profiling..."

    I couldn't find a picture anywhere of the victims. Just the assailant.

    "I'd call that murder, wouldn't you?"

    Most normal people would, but we have an 'enlightened' justice system...

    "Then I'd say it was performing a public service .. given that they're more than likely to be from the same mould .."

    Oh, I did suspect that.

    "Frankly, this one baffles me. Is there a class of biteable people? "

    It looks like it. I wish they'd be a bit more specific about whom...
