Tuesday 25 January 2011

I Want Something Quite Different To Happen To Them…

'I want them caught and I want them prosecuted and I want them to go to jail.'
But I’d better not say what, as there may be people reading this blog who are nervous or easily upset…


  1. Two words spring to mind: 'tiger' and 'enclosure'.

  2. Hi J,

    Another sad example of pointless human cruelty,useless filth,thats what they are!

    If anyone did that to my cat Phoenix I`d get busy on there sorry arse`s with a blowtorch and a pair of pliers.

  3. Touching the point on the disgust curve where speechlessness begins.

  4. I'm not even goping to read that link, however you have my complete agreement

  5. Let the punishment fit the crime.

  6. 'Let the punishment fit the crime.'

    ....yes, and let it be very cruel and most unusual.

  7. Aren't you all getting a bit Daily Mail, green-ink-letters-to-editor, outraged of Bexley Heath, anthropomorphic zealot, Animal Lib hypocritical loony terrorist....? The oiks in question might be contemptible lowlifes but their victim was only a cat for God's sake - not a little cat-shaped person with fur instead of trousers. There are lots of rather more serious things going on that might properly arouse one's ire, such as the grotesque things being done to our nation by politicians. Keep a sense of proportion.

  8. So tell us, Malcolm, what is it again you are doing to save the country? Apart from citicising people of course...

  9. If they like violence so much I say let's give it to them in spades. Let's ship the bastards out to Afghanistan and make them walk in front of army trucks. Let the IEDs take care of them and save the worthwhile lives of our dwindling number of bomb disposal experts.

  10. Malcolm - When people kill an animal for kicks other people will be annoyed. Get used to it.

  11. I was dreading going to the link, I was not to be disappointed.

    What foul scum we breed these days. But feral trash like this live their rotten lives in this way; they’re bereft of any humane instincts.
    In the film the Vikings, Ragnar is made to jump into a pit of hungry wolves with a sword to fight with. Needless to say he didn't get out.

    What a just punishment this would be.

  12. "Two words spring to mind: 'tiger' and 'enclosure'."

    I was verging more on the anthill/honey method, but that would be acceptable, if (like JJ's wolves) far too quick...

    "The oiks in question might be contemptible lowlifes but their victim was only a cat for God's sake..."

    Firstly, there's no 'might' about it. They are indeed ghastly scum.

    And secondly, what's one of the signs of incipient psychopathy? Along with bed-wetting and arson?

    "There are lots of rather more serious things going on..."

    Undoubtedly. But who's to say we can't multi-task?

    And frankly, this sort of thing is a sign that we have lost control as a nation - of our streets, of our laws and justice, of our very humanity, if we shrug it off...

    "Malcolm - When people kill an animal for kicks other people will be annoyed."

    It depends on the circumstances, of course. I'm not anti-hunting for instance, so long as it's done properly.

    But this? This is just mindless, sinister savagery.

  13. Malcolm, a couple of points free from my earlier hyperbole. Firstly what does such casual and pointless cruelty say about their characters? Is there no need for them to be shown that they should modify that behaviour? Second point, is one of property rights. Pets are property. If my car damages you or your property I pay (or my insurance does). If my dog damages you or your property what's the difference? Not knowing where you are I don't know if you'd have medical bills, but at the least I should recompense you for any other expenses and loss of income. And if it's your pet rather than you we could be talking big vet bills rather than medical bills - still your property being damaged by mine. Just a cat? Yes, although those of us with cats have to force ourselves to see it that way. But in any case it goes beyond that.

  14. Lynne, you've just provided another illustration of the emotionally self-indulgent over-reaction I deplored.
    George K, where did I say annoyance was not in order? But the initial posts expressed more than annoyance – some of them were ever so slightly bonkers…
    JJ, you are equating the value of a human life with that of a cat – this is exactly what Animal Lib loonies do, when they attempt to demonstrate their overweening compassion for foxes/lab animals etc by committing arson and murderous assaults on people.
    Julia, "psychopathy"? Bit OTT, I suggest: I recall from my rural schooldays more than a few incidents of casual cruelty toward animals committed by youngsters who doubtless regretted them later, and who I know grew up to be perfectly respectable citizens. Read a bit of Orwell, for instance, one or two good examples.
    Angry Exile, you really don't need to lecture me about property rights! I fear that like George K you are (for some reason) assuming that because I think you're over-reacting, I don't think this incident matters at all. Of course it matters – it's pretty nasty, and the culprits should make recompense. But don't go way OTT…
