Tuesday 25 January 2011

Keep Telling That Lie Often Enough...

...and it will become the truth:
Officials say the studies are needed because levels of carbon emissions mean climate change over the next four decades is unavoidable.
Just baldly state it, as often as you can, with no qualification, and the sheep will believe it.

Subrosa and Anna Raccoon pick up the absurdities of this concern for fish (and their own jobs!) ahead of the taxpayer...


  1. These people just boggle the mind. They have no ambition or vision whatever, do they? Four decades? What a pathetic forecast. Barring the complete destruction of our planet, I can, using only the power of my own huge intellect, forecast with 100% confidence that climate change will continue for at least the next 500 million years.

  2. To: The "Officials" responsible for spouting this complete consignment of geriatric shoemakers ..

    And I, without any scientific or meterological qualifications whatsoever can comforably & safely predict that there will be periods of rain, snow, sleet, hail, wind & sunshine over the next 4 decades ..

    See ? ... Anyone can do it ...

    Now, either change the record .. or shut the fuck up .. you're becoming incredibly boring ..

  3. I live near a seaside village. 20 years ago it was predicted that if nothing was done this village would be taken by the sea in 25 years. Nothing has been done (there is talk, but there is always talk) and it's still here. Back then picking your way down the road through the rocks and sand washed up by winter tides was not uncommon. It's been many years since I've had to do that. Not very scientific (but hell who cares?), but might it suggest things are improving?

  4. "They have no ambition or vision whatever, do they? Four decades? What a pathetic forecast."

    Well, four decades is about the length of a civil service career, isn't it? :)

    "Not very scientific (but hell who cares?), but might it suggest things are improving?"

    Indeed - climate change is seen as 'bad', but there are winners and losers. And it's not as if we could halt it anyway...
