Tuesday 25 January 2011

Today’s Zoological Goof At The ‘Mail’…

As illustration to their OUTRAGE! at those crazy Yanks roasting a bear to celebrate a football game, their professional MSM-accredited photo people pull up an image of…

…a wolverine. WTF?


  1. Well .. on a foggy day, at a distance, without your glasses and with the employment of a fair degree of imagination .. it could just about be mistaken for a Bear .. only a little one mind ..

    And these people have the gall to claim wages ???

    Dolts !! ..

  2. The fact they are drawing wages, or even BREATH does not annoy me half as much, as the fact when their mistakes are pointed out, they could not GIVE a shit.

    Talk of "take the money and run".

  3. Pot them in early spring in good compost, water them twice a week just enough so that their feet are wet, and a bear will spring up in late summer.

    Actually why does this story even need a picture at all? Man who likes sports roasts bear because rival team is nicknamed bears - there you go, re-written the whole article without a picture. And I bet you still don't give a shit.

  4. No-one seems to have commented on this at the DM so I thought I'd give it a go. Let's see if they publish it.

  5. darker patch on the back, it is a wolverine.

    Good job the Green Bay Packers don't have to play Arsenal...

  6. "And these people have the gall to claim wages ?"

    Indeed! As FT points out, whether they get it right or wrong, doesn't seem to matter...

    "Actually why does this story even need a picture at all?"

    Because it's the 'Daily Mail' :)

    "No-one seems to have commented on this at the DM so I thought I'd give it a go. Let's see if they publish it."

    I've never had one of mine published, ever!

    "Good job the Green Bay Packers don't have to play Arsenal..."


  7. @ David Gillies - so far it looks like they're choosing the ignore-and-don't-publish-wolverine-comments option.
