Thursday 17 March 2011

Found! The One Woman In Britain…

…who doesn’t watch ‘CSI’:
When the allegation was put to her by police, she said: "That is ridiculous. It didn't happen, I don't do them things. I had no understanding about DNA."
Or read murder mysteries. Or any newspapers…


  1. She did split with him in 1979 - I would be surprised if she had known what to do and why in 1979 - several years before the first use of DNA in crime work.

    Also storing sperm samples without damaging them for several years at home - sounds very good.

  2. "Responding to his defence that she used a white male accomplice to plant Grant's body fluids on burglary victims..."

    When in doubt play the race card.

    "The court has heard the hallmark of his attacks was to cut the power, remove light bulbs and pull out phone lines"

    Well, yeah, that and selecting a white victim.

  3. Where's Albert Pierrepoint when you need him?

  4. He surely knows that if he is convicted he won't be getting out for a long time and he is clutching at any straw he can.
    He or whoever 'dunnit' is seriously messed up, - I wonder if they will ever get to the bottom of it

  5. "Or read murder mysteries. Or any newspapers…"

    Or even just read?

  6. Anon @ 19.53,

    Probably resting soundly, after so much good work.

  7. Or read murder mysteries. Or any newspapers…

    Busy reading All Quiet on the Western Front maybe?

  8. "Also storing sperm samples without damaging them for several years at home - sounds very good."


    "Well, yeah, that and selecting a white victim."

    Are they? Nothing about the victims has come out, but wouldn't that make him a rather unusual rapist, to always select outside his own racial grouping?

    Or is it just serial killers that usually don't stray outside their own racial group?

    "Or even just read?"


    "Busy reading All Quiet on the Western Front maybe?"


  9. ""Also storing sperm samples without damaging them for several years at home - sounds very good."

    What I meant was storing them at home without damaging them is not like storing cans of baked beans in case there is a nuclear war.

  10. No, indeed. You wouldn't want to go to your freezer in the dark to get some ice-cream, would you?

  11. Thank you, JuliaM. I'll never be able to look at lemon sorbet again after you've put that thought in my head. :p
