Friday 18 March 2011

York Road, Southend - Evident Location Of A Hellmouth...

A mum, who drunkenly glassed a woman in the face in front of her own ten-year-old son has been jailed.
Just lovely...
Southend Crown Court heard Fry approached her victim, while holding a wine glass, and asked why she had been talking to people about her two children.

Caroline Gardner, prosecuting, said: “Fry said ‘If you don’t shut up I’m going to shove this glass in your face’.

“At that point she lunged forward with her right hand and made contact with Miss Finley’s face.”
And the child was with her? I'm confused...
The court heard Fry’s youngest son was present having got out of bed and followed his mother, who had been drinking, from their home.
Ah. Right.

Is there any, how shall I put this, mitigation, perhaps?
In mitigation, George Papageorgis said Fry had begun having problems, including taking amphetamines, after moving to York Road two years ago.
Don't you just hate it when you start 'having problems' like that, accidentally falling over on those amphetamines and accidentally ingesting them?
The court heard in April 2009 Fry received a nine-month sentence, suspended for two years for possession of cannabis with intent to supply.

Judge Ian Graham sentenced Fry to a year in prison, and a further three months for breaching her previous suspended sentence.
Well, I doubt there will be anyone who thinks that's too harsh a sente...

woods1, s o s says...

none of you do gooders know anything about mel frys children , they are lovely kids , it was a drunken mistake and further to her drug dealing conviction her parner got 7 months in prison and it was not her fault , i do blame york road it is a drug haven , not a place for children to be brought up , anyone that actually live there with their children will probably agree
marji fry, southend says...

melanie fry is my sister... it was a drunken mistake... none of us r perfect n nor r nun of u yhat av commented... i agree wiv woods.. u all should try livin there... n my eldest nephew has jus read all ur muggy comments he is 12... better off in care i dont think so both my nephews love there mum n would neva want 2 b apart from her.... my nephew is disgusted at wot sum of u oh so perfect people av wrote.... so y dont u all shut up n consider the fact that the kids will read this.... u bunch of ignorant idiots......
I ran this through Google Translate, to try to make some sense of it, but all it did was crash my browser!

Any more of the Fry clan to have their say?
hellen, southend on sea says...

People should mind there own business and get on with there own **** life,mabey they should take a step back and look at there own life mabey you are not perfect either this is for the evening echo, the mother is being punished for her crime but the children is paying the price for what you put in the paper this is my freedom of speach this is my daughter you are talking about.
I say we take off, and nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


  1. If there is one person I am thankful for in such matters, it is the estate agent (at Haart in Westcliff) who talked me out of even considering buying a flat in York Road, Southend. They are cheap for a reason.

    It could've been me...

  2. Wow. Just wow. I mean, I don't even...

  3. So, the consensus appears to be that dropping a couple of sprogs should give you criminal immunity for life. Ditto drug-taking.

    Also there is no difference between a life one millimetre from perfect compliance with the Law and one with glassing people and drug dealing.

  4. Captain Haddock18 March 2011 at 10:00

    Suddenly "cleansing" doesn't look like such a bad option after all ..

    Let's start in Essex, as that's where most of these Drongos seem to come from ..

    WV = "cutim" .. not quite, but near enough ..

  5. I understand that some people grow up with an accent that prevents them from saying 't' or 'th'. I get that, honestly.

    But how do you end up believing that writing something like "none of us r perfect n nor r nun of u yhat av commented... i agree wiv woods" is going to act in your defense or change someone's view of you?

    If anything, this kind of 'freedom of speach' only removes any sympathy I may have had for them or belief that they are redeemable.

    Dust off and nuke the site from orbit for sure!

  6. Ferk me - and there are some professionals that think the use of txtspk shud b aloud when taking exams in ENGLISH!!!!

    Nuke 'em or get some unemployed Bosnian Serbs (or whatever they were) to engage in a spot of effnik klensing.

    Swamp dwellers for sure.

  7. BTW these parasites have the vote.

  8. I know very little about law but I see Miti Gation is always there to help.

    But Miti's relative, Anti Miti Gation should speak up too: "This person didn't have to get drunk, take drugs, behave badly, act like a complete wanker or neglect basic civil practices and moral codes, nor did they have to cynically flout laws and circumvent legal requirements and while there are small things in their life they have solely brought on themselves through ignorance, greed and stupidity, it should be of no interest to those who have to clear up afterwards."

  9. How many years of utterly wasted education have these illiterate shits actually had?

  10. Another fat slag:

  11. Isn't York Rd still Southend's red light district?

  12. "If there is one person I am thankful for in such matters, it is the estate agent (at Haart in Westcliff) who talked me out of even considering buying a flat in York Road...."

    You did indeed have a very lucky escape!

    "If anything, this kind of 'freedom of speach' only removes any sympathy I may have had for them or belief that they are redeemable."

    It must, surely, take a special effort to type like this, mustn't it?

    "BTW these parasites have the vote."

    But I'd be astonished if they ever used it.

    "How many years of utterly wasted education have these illiterate shits actually had?"

    And more to the point, how much would be enough to bring them to the 'barely literate' point?

  13. "Another fat slag.."

    GAH! Her daughter's no looker either, if that's her in the picture.

    "Isn't York Rd still Southend's red light district?"

    I'm told it is.
