Thursday 24 March 2011


Judge Anthony King fined the company £11,000 and ordered it to pay £20,000 costs and a £15 victims’ surcharge.
That’s a huge sum. No wonder Mr Marshall wasn’t too happy…
After Friday’s sentencing hearing, Mr Marshall said the garden centre welcomed more than 300,000 customers a year and had recorded just three accidents in a decade, compared with 23 accidents in the past year at the council’s Abingdon headquarters.
I wonder how much the council got fined?

Of course, why would they worry anyway? It’s not their money, is it?


  1. A comment on the original story produced this gem:

    'Utter madness - especially the judge and moreover the cretans that infest the Vale council.'

    A plethora of Minoans in the Abingdon offices? Bull-dancers in the Council chamber? Or perhaps the answer lies in the Cretan paradox:

    Epimenides the Cretan says, 'All Cretans are liars'. Discuss."

  2. Lol! I do so love the comments in local papers... :)
