Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Two Female Columnists, Two Utter Howlers

Dear, dear Yasmin on the resurgence of the young Arabs and their desire for change:
Another unintended good consequence will be that British Muslims consumed with perpetual rage will cool down a little and find more reasonable outlets for their feelings.
Of course they will, sweetie. Of course they will…

Mary Ann Seighart on why quotas for female board members are the bestest thing ever ‘cos women are wonderful and don’t you meanies forget it:
Harriet Harman, for instance, was a quietly effective acting leader of the Labour Party last year, but we only noticed how good she was when she had gone.


  1. Two of the most chronic cases of rampant head up arse syndrome I've seen since 10.41 this morning.

  2. Yasmin doesn't live in the real world and forced equality for women will just make those of us who strive to be the best, feel patronised.

    I'd like to know I achieve because I'm the best, not because I fill a "wimmin quota".

    Bimbos, both of them!

  3. Uh, your blog seems to be getting a bit discriminatory these days, isn't it?

    I think you'll find that the correct usage is Harriet HarPERSON!

  4. It is a mark of how crap everything is that these two creatures get paid for their opinion. Why, is the question?

    Cheers for winding me up. I feel a spot of rage coming on.;-)

  5. Ref HH,
    somehow I'm reminded of the scene from the Albert Finney Scrooge musical where they dance on the old boy's coffin and sing "Thank you very much".

  6. Bodderick: probably because the papers have a 'female journalist quota' to fill. ;)
