Saturday 23 April 2011


Sometimes a single sentence in a news report tells you everything you (probably) needed to know about a story.

To whit:
Mr Mitchell, who went by the street name Brown, was living in Croydon under the assumed identity of Devon Scarlett.
Odd hand gesture that 'popular, funny man around town and brilliant father to all four of his children' is making in his photo, too....


  1. He must have run with the wrong crowd for too long?
    Trouble is he can't be described as a promising architect, astronaut, premiership footballer or nobel prize winning anything - ....too old. Might have been good at signing though! Croydon again! What HAS happened to the place? If this sounds a bit cruel - it is meant to - I'm sick of hearing about these bloody people, waste of time, skin and taxpayers money!

  2. Cripps or Bloods?

  3. " Croydon again! What HAS happened to the place?"

    Whatever it is, it's been going on for a while...

    "Cripps or Bloods?"

    I think there's actually a website somewhere detailing our home-grown, US-inspired gangs. I'll see if I can find it.
