Saturday 23 April 2011

The Importance Of Punctuation...

I read that as advertising a frozen pizza that's 'taste free'.

And having had one, I can confidently claim that no-one's going to be rushing to the ASA to complain that it's untrue....


  1. Ah yes, an authentic frozen pizza made in Germany - and by Dr Oetker, who always sounds to me as if he has something unspeakable to do with colonic irrigation.

    Presumably Casa di Mama is a large industrial unit somewhere on the Hamburg ring road.

    Hurrah for European Union!

  2. so, fresh baked taste, free.....wot!?! free of charge?!?

    all stuff that is good for you has no taste init?!? and anything with taste is bad, i think, like me; or something, I is counfudled now ;)

  3. also, in ref my comment in your last post, What do testicles taste like Julia?

  4. Yes, the presence or absence ofpunctuation is important, as is the presence or absence of spaces. As that old half-true generalisation illustrates;
    "The pen is mightier than the sword."

  5. easier to stick a pen in someone's eye than a sword? but then as they said when I learned to snipe, if you can point at it you can hit it!

  6. Punctuation means the difference between helping your Uncle Jack, off his horse and helping your uncle jack off his horse!

  7. @phiangle, that's more to do with capitalisation, isn't it? I thought the punctuation one was 'let's eat out, Mum' as opposed to 'let's eat out Mum.'

    I am soooo going to hell.

  8. "Ah yes, an authentic frozen pizza made in Germany..."


    "...anything with taste is bad, i think..."

    That does seem to be prevailing 'wisdom', yes.

    "also, in ref my comment in your last post, What do testicles taste like Julia?"

    Like chicken, I'd guess :)

    "I am soooo going to hell."

    You won't be lonely! :D
