Monday 11 April 2011

The Era Of ‘No Consequences’

A man who sparked a three-hour police stand-off outside a Southampton home has been released with a caution.
More than 30 officers carrying guns and riot shields surrounded the property in Green Lane, Millbrook, on Sunday, after a 999 call was made at around 4.30pm on Sunday reporting a disturbance.

Dozens of residents gathered outside the police cordon set up around a property called ‘The Madhouse’ to watch the drama unfold, while fire crews and an ambulance were also called to the scene.
A property dubbed ‘The Madhouse’, eh?

Suddenly, this isn’t so very surprising.
It was thought the man had barricaded himself in the house using a fridge-freezer, and rumours spread he was armed and had threatened to set himself on fire.
I’d have brought along some marshmallows, if I were them…


  1. Captain Haddock11 April 2011 at 17:21

    "It was thought the man had barricaded himself in the house using a fridge-freezer, and rumours spread he was armed and had threatened to set himself on fire.
    I’d have brought along some marshmallows, if I were them" ...

    And a couple of litres of 4 Star .. just to make sure ..

  2. "4 Star" - since when have you been able to get that?? It's gone the way of many other good products, and been replaced by "environmentally friendly" unleaded....

    I bought some exhaust repair putty the other day. It's now "asbestos free", and bloody useless - it blew out after 10 minutes!

  3. Should have been sectioned.

  4. Despite the colourful "rumours" so gleefully reported, it seems that all he actually did wrong was not answer the door. I have days like that, too.

  5. "And a couple of litres of 4 Star .. just to make sure "

    Sadly, as Microdave points out, you can't get hold of that any more. Bad for the environment.

    "Despite the colourful "rumours" so gleefully reported, it seems that all he actually did wrong was not answer the door."

    Plus the threats, and the nuisance factor. As anon points out, this is another 'care in the community' case, no doubt.

  6. The "threats" seem to have been in the fevered imaginations of the curtain twitchers.

    "Nuisance factor"? The cops should be talking to whoever called them out.

    This one, Julia, is definitely a case of neighbour hysteria. From what is reported, anyway. The cops know more than we do, perhaps. And they ultimately thought so.

  7. Salisbury airbase was placed on standby for the operation but the commander felt that a jet flyover would be 'over the top'.

  8. Captain Haddock12 April 2011 at 09:05

    @ microdave ...

    Ah well .. I drive a diesel you see Dave ..

    Anyway, you're lucky I didn't write "Gallons" (which almost happened) .. ;)

    With regards to your exhaust .. try this stuff ...

    Absolutely marvellous kit, mends anything, sets underwater, I've even mended a cracked sink with it ..

  9. @ CH - thanks for the tip, I might have to get some. I've just put a new down pipe on this afternoon, judging by the size of the crack the old one wouldn't have lasted for more than a day or two...

    One of those rare occasions when the cost of keeping an oxyacetylene torch and cylinders paid off - great for shifting siezed nuts!!
