Thursday 14 April 2011

Hey, Obesity Is Affecting My Blood Pressure Now!

Not my obesity – theirs:
A family-of-four have lost 44-stone between them after undergoing gastric bypass surgery on the NHS.

Craig and Denise Watson and their two daughters Rebecca, 24, and Rachel, 21, all had their free surgeries within a six-month period.

News of their expensive operations, which could have cost taxpayers up to £40,000 for the Watson family, comes after surgeons claimed performing gastric operations could save the NHS money in the long run.
Well, they would, wouldn’t they? They are, after all, directly deriving their jobs from it.

It’s almost like car mechanics claiming that not having your car regularly serviced by a professional will cost you money. It’s undoubtedly true, but you’d be an idiot not to realise why they are saying it.

But maybe I’m being too harsh. Maybe they have a point, and the quick fix option is really the cheapest in the long run.

After all, they claim they tried exercise and dieting, and it was ineffective.

Oh, hang on. Not quite, at least, when reversed…
Mrs Watson, 45, began putting on weight after giving birth to her first daughter and was unable to shed the pounds.

After her weight ballooned to 19-and-a-half stone in 2009 she decided to take drastic action.

She told BBC Radio Sheffield: 'I went to the doctors and I was told that I wasn't heavy enough to be considered for gastric surgery.

'I deliberately put a stone-and-a-half on to be able to be considered for the operation.'
That there is enough to make me want to vomit.

And to rip the damned band right out of the greedy, lazy bitch with my bare hands, sans anaesthetic…


  1. And people say that women don't have children to jump the housing queue...

  2. Captain Haddock14 April 2011 at 18:13

    "She told BBC Radio Sheffield: 'I went to the doctors and I was told that I wasn't heavy enough to be considered for gastric surgery" ...

    Sheffield .. says it all really .. The People's Democratic Republic of South Yorkshire ..

  3. My old man likes quoting this:

    "No fat people ever came out of Belsen"

    Much cheaper to lock the family up for a few months with just basic rations....

  4. So glad I didn't run that post on obesity in the UK now.

  5. Captain Haddock14 April 2011 at 19:37

    "Much cheaper to lock the family up for a few months with just basic rations" ....

    Dave .... Much cheaper to round up all the fat bastards & get those idle steel smelters back into action .. you could probably heat & light Sheffield for months ..

  6. James Delingpole has a great take on this issue:

  7. "Sheffield .. says it all really .. "

    I know :(

    "James Delingpole has a great take on this issue"

    Link doesn't seem to work?

  8. could probably heat & light Sheffield for months ..

    They lost 44 stone. You could've heated and lit Sheffield by making them all eat a wick and using them as candles.

  9. Thinking about your servicing the car analogy, I look after my car so I dont have to pay garage fees.
    Maybe she could do the same with her thunder thighs?
    Just saying
