Friday 15 April 2011

Well, I Suppose If You Don't Ask, You Don't Get...

The teenagers’ lawyers suggested district judge David Cooper might show them some Christian forgiveness, but the judge was unsympathetic.
I'd have added on a few extra days for sheer cheek!


  1. Captain Haddock15 April 2011 at 09:21

    "The teenagers’ lawyers suggested district judge David Cooper might show them some Christian forgiveness" ..

    The Lawyer was rather pushing his professional luck .. for all he knew, the District Judge could have been of the Jewish persuasion & taken offence at such sentiment ..

  2. Yes, as the judge's name was "David Kupranovic" I would have guessed Jewish as well.

  3. The judge could have been a muslim convert and advocate of sharia law. They'd have been right in the shit then...

    Number One rule in life...Be careful what you wish for...

  4. Punishment of crime is entirely in-keeping with the teachings of the Bible.

  5. From this report it would be safe to assume District Judge Cooper uses common sense to make his judgements. His parting comment to the street preacher about picking some other sins for a while was worthy of a world-weary Rumpolian judge.

  6. "The Lawyer was rather pushing his professional luck .. for all he knew, the District Judge could have been of the Jewish persuasion..."

    Indeed, as Mark points out..! Or it could have been worse, as anon notes.

    "Punishment of crime is entirely in-keeping with the teachings of the Bible."

    Mmm, I'd have been tempted to raise an eyebrow and remark 'You mean an eye for an eye?' too :)

    "His parting comment to the street preacher about picking some other sins for a while was worthy of a world-weary Rumpolian judge."

    Oh, very!
