Friday 15 April 2011

When The Term ‘Smokin’ Hot Pictures!’ Takes On A Whole New Meaning….

A social worker who was sacked for using his work computer to search for pictures of children smoking has avoided being struck off.

Alan Paling, who indulged his habit while working for Staffordshire County Council, was yesterday cleared of misconduct.
Could he not get away with the ‘it’s for research!’ argument?

Well, no…
The General Social Care Council's conduct committee heard that Mr Paling had carried out nearly 200 internet searches using terms such as "smoking fetish", "smoking teens", and "smoking child" between April 2008 and April 2009.
I learn something new every day, at least about people’s fetishes. Thanks, Internet!
But the committee ruled that while Mr Paling's behaviour could be considered "questionable", it did not warrant his removal from the social care register.
Now that’s not surprising, is it?
GSCC presenting officer Nimi Bruce said that while Mr Paling's activity was not illegal, it was clearly inappropriate for someone whose job involved working with children.
Indeed! Although, he wasn’t forcing anyone to smoke. He was just looking at pictures.

Perhaps they feared that was the next step?
During the investigation it emerged Mr Paling had long-standing issues with smoking, and that he felt guilt over his own smoking.
It’s almost like a modern-day witch trial, isn’t it? Perhaps if he’d broken down and confessed his sins, he’d have got his job back.
Panel chairman Ian Daines said: "The committee is conscious that, in this diverse and pluralistic society, many forms of behaviour may cause concern to some people.

"This committee is satisfied that neither the protection of the public nor the public interest calls into question the registrant's suitability to remain on the register."
‘…this diverse and pluralistic society …’

Now there’s a term to conjure with, eh?


  1. Captain Haddock15 April 2011 at 10:52

    "Panel chairman Ian Daines said: "The committee is conscious that, in this diverse and pluralistic society ..... "

    WTF is this waffling wonk burbling about ?

  2. "The committee is conscious that, in this diverse and pluralistic society..."
    Translation: "The committee is conscious that, the UK is full of frikking wierdos with perversions we must legally tolerate, ...."

  3. Just for clarification, did he get it in the neck because it was images of children or images of cigarettes? These days it's hard to remember which we're supposed to worry about, paedos in every bush or 8th hand smoking.

  4. I read elsewhere that if Kafka was alive today, he'd be making documentaries.

    How very true indeed.

  5. It's "Common Purpose" speak.


  6. in this diverse and pluralistic society, many forms of behaviour may cause concern to some people.

    free pass for the ROP

  7. Check your blog stats to see how many people searching for smoking children have now found your place :-)

  8. "Just for clarification, did he get it in the neck because it was images of children or images of cigarettes? "

    That was puzzling me too!

    "Check your blog stats to see how many people searching for smoking children have now found your place :-)"

