Tuesday 26 April 2011

The Perfect Person For The Job(bie)!

A senior councillor is calling on her Tory colleagues to do more to combat dogs’ mess on the streets of Southend.
Oh? Who is calling for that, then? I'm intrigued!
Anna Waite...
Ahahahahahahahahahaha! Yes, that Anna Waite!

Frankly, I cannot think of a better councillor to broach the subject of foul-smelling unwanted deposits than Anna Waite!
...who is battling to be re-elected in St Luke’s ward next month, has handed in a petition to the council on behalf of residents, signed by about 240 people.
As many commenters point out, why did she not do something about it before?
Mrs Waite insists she is not criticising the Tory administration, but wants the issue looked at more closely.
If she thinks this'll win her re-election, I think she's barking up the wrong tree; her traffic management schemes are making congestion worse and people who formerly voted for her are looking suspiciously at their carpets, sniffing the air, and wondering just what they've stepped in...


  1. It is both cruel and unfair to intentionally sacrifice a decent individual to our civic process - so she would have my vote. I always support the shallowest sycophant standing in the locals.

  2. "If she thinks this'll win her re-election, I think she's barking up the wrong tree..."

    Are there any left to bark up?

  3. "I always support the shallowest sycophant standing in the locals."

    You must be spoilt for choice!

    "Are there any left to bark up?"

    I must do a followup on the Victoria Circus debacle. I have photos...
