Wednesday 25 May 2011

‘Peelian Principles’..?

Sussex Police have spoken of their joy that the Olympic torch is coming to Brighton.
Really? This is why they need a ‘force spokesman’, is it?
A force spokeswoman said: "Along with everyone in Sussex, we are delighted that the Olympic torch will be passing through the county next summer."
‘Everyone in Sussex’? Have you taken a survey?

WTF has this to do with policing?


  1. Hold on a sec..

    Someone intends to carry A N A K E D F L A M E in a public place and not only that but they intend to run with it?

    Of course it's a case for the police...and Health And Safety...and Social Services (I mean, what if it encourages a child to light a cigarette?).

  2. Captain Haddock25 May 2011 at 11:18

    And what about "second-hand smoke" from this Olympic torch, eh ?

    No doubt Sussex plod have formed a highly trained, specialist unit to deal with it ..

    Or is it just a case of an overpaid but under employed Publicity Officer trying to justify her taxpayer-funded existence ?

  3. We could have some fun here complaining...

  4. Very good points SBC and AC1.
    It would be fun to see if the locals could be wound up enough to complain and if anyone at the council took it seriously.

  5. Wht can't Sussex police beat the crap out of a few criminals and be 'joyful' about that?

  6. Greencoat,

    Too difficult. They prefer speeding fines and shooting unarmed men in the face.

    They did say sorry though, so that's OK.

  7. As an officer, when people start moaning to me about the police i can usually out moan them about what 'the public' do !!!

    I shan't tar all you public with the same brush...afterall...i have members of the family and friends who are i know your not all the same.

    I go to local residents meetings and get it in the neck about how useless we are because we do nothing about speeding vehicles. I've been told "if my kid gets killed by a speeding car i am holding you personally responsible". I didn't realise when i joined i would be held responsible for what other people did but there you go.

    I feel i have missed out...i have never beaten anyone up.... i still buy butties from a bloke who broke my arm. I don't hold a grudge.

    I don't have a gun, so i miss out on shooting innocent people. I have been sent to jobs and been shot at....didn't make the news though...never mind.

    For the record....some of the stuff put out by our media causes much derision with us. We are now full of politically correct leaders who gain promotion by talking the talk. Until the intellectual idiots are removed and commonsense allowed to return you are stuck with us.

    I am fortunate in having friends outside the job, keeps me grounded from promoting that which i do not believe in. Going for promotion involves selling your soul. Thought it was going to change when labour went....i was wrong.

  8. "...what if it encourages a child to light a cigarette?"

    Heh! Good thinking! Could indeed be some fun here...

    "I've been told "if my kid gets killed by a speeding car i am holding you personally responsible". I didn't realise when i joined i would be held responsible for what other people did but there you go."

    You aren't with Essex are you? Because, with this further grasp for power, that's clearly what they believe too...

    "Thought it was going to change when labour went....i was wrong."

    Given all those politically-correct leaders you speak of, how could it?
