Wednesday 11 May 2011

Perhaps It’s Time To Try Something Else, Then?

PC Sanford said: “There has been intimidation, stone throwing and abuse almost daily from January to April.
“We’ve tried to reason with them, but it hasn’t worked... ”
Well, blow me down! Who’d have imagined that, eh?
Blackburn magistrates gave the girls interim Anti-Social Behaviour Orders ahead of a full hearing on next month.

They are now banned from acting in an anti-social manner or inciting others to do the same, including making hand gestures, swearing and using abusive, threatening or racist language.

They both have 8pm – 5am curfews unless with their parents.

Both girls are now banned from associating with a number of 15 and 16-year-old girls in their group, each other and the Stafford brothers Paul, 18, and David, 16, who also have ASBOs.

They are also prohibited from entering specific areas of Whitebirk.
I’m sure that’ll work…
Blackburn south east neighbourhood policing Sergeant Mark Cruise added: “It says everything about how their behaviour impacted on local residents when a man wouldn’t put on his lights in the depths of winter because he didn’t want them to know he was at home.”
It says quite a lot about the uselessness of our police and justice system too.


  1. "I read the news today, oh boy;
    four thousand holes in Blackburn Lancashire. And though the holes were rather small, they had to count them all..."

  2. It absolutely mystifies me that no one in the entire town took it upon themselves to take these two down a dark alley and beat the sh*t out of them.
    Against the law of right minded person would think of automatically doing this but OH MY GODS the patience of these people and their reliance on authority to solve their problem is absolutely bizarre.
    How the hell have we become a society of eloi and morlocks so quickly ?

  3. I believe that the founder of the modern police, robert peel had some principles of policing. one of these was in policing by consent to gain the willing observance of the law by the public.

    Can't have a go at the police for trying to reason with them, it's common sense. Being a parent i reason and explain and get cooperation all the time.

    You see that the criminal justice system seems to hold fear for those who want to obey the law. Those that can't be bothered run wild and it pees people off.

    Personally, i am not comfortable with physical punsihment, deportation to a scottish island until such time as they are prepared to abide by our (societies) rules.

    It's the lack of political will, not the courts or the police. The police appear to have got these to court...thats what their job is ... isn't it?

  4. "And though the holes were rather small, they had to count them all..."

    I cannot imagine what it must be to live in an area where this happens, but it amazes me that more of these thoroughly evil little shits don't 'disappear'...

    "...OH MY GODS the patience of these people and their reliance on authority to solve their problem is absolutely bizarre."

    Agreed. And 'The Time Machine' is uncomfortably close to the truth, at least in THAT respect!

    "It's the lack of political will, not the courts or the police. The police appear to have got these to court...thats what their job is ... isn't it?"

    Yes, but it's the length of time it's taken.

    I do realise they are fighting the panoply of 'services' that seemingly are set up to protect these devilspawn from any consequences of their actions (all run by people who don't live in the areas, I'll bet).

  5. But the ASBO process that was developed had numerous intervention points to avoid the offender from court. When those intervention points failed...then court for the sanction of an order or prison.

    This was meant to be for low level ASB. Substantive criminal offences were getting derisory sentences. That is the real problem.
