Monday 27 June 2011

It’s Not Just The Lights…

New street lights across the borough will be dimmed to help reduce energy costs.
This will contribute to the council’s aim to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions, which are currently 2,273 tonnes for street lighting.
Clearly, there are other dim things in Kingston…
From 2012 the council will have to pay for every tonne of CO2 it emits.
Who couldn’t see decisions like this coming, as a result of the insanity of ‘AGW’ and the ‘sustainability’ crap?

Still, it could have been worse; it could have been all down to the bats.


  1. Meanwhile, some of us who live in the countryside are fighting attempts to put up unwanted extra street-lighting... maybe we could have tradeable permits and Kingston could have our extra lighting...

  2. Captain Haddock27 June 2011 at 11:38

    Just consider the size of the Palace of Westminster's carbon footprint (if you actually believe in such puerile drivel) ..

    With security lighting, tourist flood-lighting, interior lights burning 24/7 all year round ..

    And consider how much all of that wasted power is costing us ..

    Yet I don't notice any inclination on the part of TPTB to reduce their consumption .. Or is compliance only intened to apply to we "little people" ?

  3. Errmmm... I know I'm risking disagreement with bat experts here, from a position of relative ignorance, but from my own nocturnal observations I have seen, on very many occasions, that streetlights attract moths. I have also seen large numbers of bats swooping through this cloud of moths, feeding on this bounty. It's like a perpetual, totally reliable free meal for them. This sounds very much like a feeble excuse for saving money to the detriment of the citizens. AKA a lie.

  4. Two local Parish Councils recently ran 'campaigns' about street lighting.

    Village A (whose main road was dark) wanted streetlights for 'road safety' and to discourage crime.

    Village B (which HAD streetlights )- wanted them turned off so that motorists would have to slow down, and yobs would be discouraged from hanging about at night.

  5. Mjolinir, I see your Nimby-council-you-couldn't-make-this-up-if-you-tried-idiocy and raise you:

    My council erected 2 street lights where they weren't wanted nor needed on our street but refused to erect one where we DO need one ie so the Old Biddies don't get mown down by cars hurtling around a blind corner of a winter's evening when they are off to buy their 10 Lambert and Butler (The Grannies, not the Kids cos the Kids all smoke fake B&H as any good Chav should).

    ....and the reason WHY the council was unable to put a street light on a pitch black bit of road?

    Health and Safety.

    Not sure WHOSE health or safety though.

    They did however send a crew out on Xmas eve to unerect the unneeded street doubt on double pay.

  6. There are babies drowning in the bathwater on this one. The Chinese have built 64 million 'homes' no one is living in as a result of target pressurized central planning. What are our dunderhead councils going to do armed with Carbon Noddy's new rules! Expect to buy candles as well as your usual score from the cornerboy

  7. Ancient + Tattered Airman27 June 2011 at 22:46

    The police can have hand held image intensifiers to enable them to see in the dark. Other than the feral yobs the only section of the community pleased to have darkness are the poor amateur astronomers.

  8. "...maybe we could have tradeable permits and Kingston could have our extra lighting..."

    Now, there's an idea!

    "Or is compliance only intened to apply to we "little people" ?"

    Well, precisely! Just as Al Gore and George Monbiot aren't expected to give up their jet-set lifestyle. Just us little people.

    "This sounds very much like a feeble excuse for saving money to the detriment of the citizens. "

    Spot on!

    "Two local Parish Councils recently ran 'campaigns' about street lighting."

    Heh! You really CAN'T please all the people all the time..
