Sunday 12 June 2011

Maybe It's A Sign...

...that I should switch to 'eco-friendly' lightbulbs after all.

I switched on the standard lamp in the lounge this morning, as it was quite overcast at 5:00am. And the lightbulb blew.

Not an unusual occurrence, they do occasionally go 'pop' and you think 'Oh, better go get another bulb'.

Not this one. There was an almighty 'BANG!', 'FLASH!' and then a shower of gently falling pieces of glass, as the top of the bulb blew off like a particularly gruesome US execution in 'Old Sparky' (or like this chap, perhaps).

Not the sort of thing to start the morning with, I have to say. Gets the heart pumping, though...


  1. Seeing as it's Whitsun, a fire ball descending upon your head is probably quite apt! Not so much 'the Power Of Christ compells you' but rather 'by the power of EON'....

    ...and do yourself a favour and don't get the 'eco' bulbs. They take longer than a 1950's tv to 'warm up' and give off which time you've tumbled downstairs and broken something.

  2. Oh and the eco bulbs have mercury in them. So one exploding would mean lots of lovely mercury vapours. And everybody knows that mercury is completely safe to inhale, touch and rub on your back.....

  3. Per SBC and Mr Angry, with the addition that it's not unheard of for the eco CFL jobs to go pop in a similar fashion to yours. Fire has been mentioned as well. Get a halogen incandescent as a happy medium if you ask me, though I expect they can brea as well.

  4. Captain Haddock12 June 2011 at 10:27

    "Per SBC and Mr Angry, with the addition that it's not unheard of for the eco CFL jobs to go pop in a similar fashion to yours. Fire has been mentioned as well" ...

    Which would result in a complete over-reaction by the Fire Brigade & the Elf and Safety wonks, with the declaration of a "Chemical Incident, due to the presence of Mercury" ..

  5. Edison's whisker12 June 2011 at 13:57

    First scenario: Old fashioned lightbulb breaks, resulting in bit of a mess and though not very nice, not really life-changing.

    Go out and buy new lightbulb: insignificant drain on finances.

    Second scenario: New eco-light bulb breaks, resulting in drama all round. Major crisis as deadly elements released into the home, carpets and furnishings have to be destroyed and health checks on all people within twenty-five yards required.

    Go out when cleared to do so by authorities in order to buy new lightbulb: get bank loan to pay for bulb.

    First scenario: no one notices.

    Second scenario: Earth saved. Gaia smiles, children dance in the street, church bells ring, sun shines all day (but not too much please as skin cancer fears may rise), Green party toasts other Green party sheep, etc.

    You can see why I signed up for the greenies, can't you?

  6. LOL @ Captain Haddock. Probably true, that.

  7. Captain Haddock12 June 2011 at 18:45

    And you thought I was kidding AE ?

  8. "They take longer than a 1950's tv to 'warm up' and give off which time you've tumbled downstairs and broken something."

    I know, they're dreadful. I stocked up with 100 watt bulbs before they were phased out.

    "Oh and the eco bulbs have mercury in them. So one exploding would mean lots of lovely mercury vapours."

    Ah, yes! And as the Captain has pointed out, that would result in my lounge looking like a scene from 'Broken Arrow'...

    " Get a halogen incandescent as a happy medium..."

    Ooh, I'll take a look at those.

    "You can see why I signed up for the greenies, can't you?"

