Thursday 30 June 2011

Now, There's A Question...

...another neighbour who did not want to be named, said: 'Who wants to look at a man's private parts every time they go out the house.'

This is, of course, not a man, but a tiny statue. Perhaps the neighbour thought it was an unfair comparison?


  1. I cannot see the point.....of encouraging the easily offended.

    Before we know it, puritan prunes will be throwing themselves under any stallion not fitted with a modesty sling.

    As I am ever keen to find a compromise where possible, I suggest outdoor nappies for dogs.

  2. Captain Haddock30 June 2011 at 11:00

    "Who wants to look at a man's private parts every time they go out the house" ? ...

    Stephen Fry ? .. Peter Tatchell ? .. Elton John ? .. Peter Mandelson ?

  3. Funny how we don't like to be reminded that we're just another mammal. Now, can anybody tell me where I can buy some curtains for my piano's legs?

  4. A naked depiction of a Shepherd BOY who fought the Giant and became king?

    I'm amazed the Elderly couple haven't been prosecuted as 'paedophiles' and placed on the Sex Offenders register.

    Will no one think of the Children?

    When I win the lotetry there is going to be a full sized working replica of the Jeanneke Piss []in my front garden..pissing champagne.

  5. Fit that statue with a lurid pink mankini...

    ...with a rolled-up sock in it.

  6. Wasnt this the plot to an early episode of the Simpsons?

  7. No Doris, I said we needed a CLOCK in the garden ....

  8. "Funny how we don't like to be reminded that we're just another mammal."

    No, anything that reminds us of that must be removed or hushed up, lest we draw unwelcome conclusions...

    "Fit that statue with a lurid pink mankini...

    ...with a rolled-up sock in it."

    Oh, I so would!

    "No Doris, I said we needed a CLOCK in the garden ...."

