Thursday 30 June 2011

UK Jobs Market Welcomes Diversity…

…after all, those foreigners do a much better job than the natives:
Rescue dog Nancy's potential for herding flocks was discovered after she was adopted by a sheep dog trainer.
It’s just as well they are here to take the place of the lazy, incompetent native jobseekers:
Mrs Lippington, 54, said Ci instinctively wants to work the sheep, but is too scared.

"If they run away from him, he will go after them and act like a proper sheepdog, but the moment they turn and face him he runs away.

"Sheep can be quite aggressive if they think they have the upper hand – they stamp their feet and gang up in numbers and act like an army.

"The only way to make it work is for me to get behind them first and shoo them so they run away and then Ci joins in. It just means a lot more work for us to do," she added.


  1. Captain Haddock30 June 2011 at 12:07

    "The only way to make it work is for me to get behind them first and shoo them so they run away and then Ci joins in. It just means a lot more work for us to do," she added ..

    Bigger fool her .. I always thought the saying "keep a dog & bark yourself" was something of an urban myth .. obviously not ..

    In fact "Ci" has much in common with Camermong .. talks a good fight, would dearly love to fight one .. but lacks the balls & spine to do so ..

    Perhaps he needs the equivalent of a Mrs Lippington to show him how ? ..

  2. "If they run away from him, he will go after them and act like a proper sheepdog, but the moment they turn and face him he runs away."

    That's ..... um ...... like pretty much every untrained dog on the planet. This is news?

  3. "Bigger fool her .. I always thought the saying "keep a dog & bark yourself" was something of an urban myth .. obviously not .."

    Heh! Indeed...

    "That's ..... um ...... like pretty much every untrained dog on the planet."

    Yes, sheep-worrying seems to be more of a problem with a couple of dogs loose, when the pack instinct takes over. An old farm remedy for a dog that looks like taking an unhealthy interest in sheep was to throw them in a pen with a ram.

    RSPCA would probably swoop now.
