Monday 20 June 2011

Oooh, A Maths Question!

A family of eight living in a three-bedroom house has been told there is no prospect of being moved to a bigger property any time soon.

Ex-soldier Simon Pennell, 32, and his partner, Kelly Tyler, 37, have six children, aged three to 16.
Right. And clearly, the social housing stock can’t supply homes of the size required?
… housing bosses say they do not have enough council properties big enough for the family.
Funny, they always seem to find them for others

But maybe Mr Pennell could have avoided this situation?
Mr Pennell, of Affleck Road, Greenstead, Colchester, said: “We understand there are not many council properties available and we have been as patient as possible, but we have been waiting seven years now and the situation has been desperate for a long time.”
*counts on fingers*

You’ve been waiting seven years, and your youngest child is three…?

*sympathy evaporating*


  1. They should stay positive. In another seven years at least four of those children will have left school with good qualifications, got jobs, maybe even met decent partners and got married and be renting or buying homes of their own.
    At least, that's how life used to be and not so very long ago. Pre-1997, as I recall.

  2. Might have to go back quite a bit longer Tatty - though it's only about 7 here in the broken north - that's when they gave all the run-down housing away to immigrants to balance their books.
    Worrying about grandson prospects round here as there are almost no jobs without grad+ qualifications that would pay for a house, I've been looking at GCSEs. These are so easy these with 5 o levels could have had them for breakfast at primary school.
    Can't see the boy getting a job with these cornflake packet offers, so I may have to expand my business to enable him not to be a permanent lodger!

  3. In reality of course, in the Mickey Mouse fantasia world, the six kids all have six kids and they all need five bedroom houses, so work harder, the unemployed depend on us.

    But in another sense you can't blame these drones, they have been taught that the state provides for any lunatic personal choices.

  4. Don't complain it is home grown procreation. Should there be tribal wars in England this may well be important.

  5. "They should stay positive. In another seven years at least four of those children will have left school with good qualifications.."

    Now, there's a bit of a stretch. For all the reasons anon points out.

    "But in another sense you can't blame these drones, they have been taught that the state provides for any lunatic personal choices."

    Yes, indeed... :(
