Monday 20 June 2011

Time To Consider Moving, Normal Brightonians…

Faster action on traveller camps in parks and other public land has been demanded.

Leading Conservatives claim the Greens have “given the green light” for travellers from around the country to descend on Brighton and Hove.
Well, yes! Bang the ‘free dinner’ gong, and don’t be too surprised when the moochers come calling…
Simon Kirby the MP for Brighton Kemptown, spoke out in a Parliamentary debate yesterday, saying the city council’s new administration had “set a dangerous precedent” in its attitude towards travellers.
Something all normal people left in Brighton should heed. If I lived there, I’d be thinking about moving.
The council, which moved on a group of travellers at the Victoria Recreation Ground in Portslade yesterday, claimed there were no more travellers in the city than in previous years.

But Tory councillor Dee Simson said the word was spreading.
Well, of course it is. Isn’t that all part of the plan?

Of course, it’s not like there’s a large population of illegal squatters who are about to be thrown out of…

Oh. Right:
Coun Simson’s stance has been backed by Mr Kirby who yesterday called for stronger police powers to tackle travellers.

He also said statements by the new administration were creating unrest.

He said: “We shall see who is right, when a large group of travellers leaves Essex in the near future. Where will they go?

“To a council that is not sympathetic, or one, by the statements of its senior figures, that appears to be?

The Greens have set a dangerous precedent by their public attitude and comments and residents are genuinely worried at what may be about to be visited upon them in terms of nuisance and cost.”
There’s something to remember the next time they find themselves standing over a ballot box...
A council spokesman said: "There are no more travellers around this year than in previous years, under previous administrations.

“However the more prominent sites occupied and media coverage of travellers is giving people a contrary impression.

“The council has to obey the law in moving travellers on and this often entails undertaking welfare checks before evictions take place.”
It’s not ‘media coverage’ that’s giving people that impression of travellers. It’s the travellers themselves, and the mess they leave behind...


  1. Talking about matters green, the green background to your posts gets even more distracting as I scroll down to read them.

  2. Travellers are just like normal people, except they don't have to obey the law.

  3. True, Gallovidian. For some unfathomable reason, the Left has adopted them as a protected species, along with Palestinians.

  4. Bloody Palestinians: They control the banks, newspapers AND Hollywood you know!

  5. Vote green. Get red.

    But one day people in places like Brighton will learn that mixing the two colours give you a dreadful poo brown.


    This organisation has a base in Brighton. Just saying..

  7. "Talking about matters green, the green background to your posts gets even more distracting as I scroll down to read them."

    Does it? I thought the faint grass image gave way to a solid colour as you moved down? At least, that's how it appears to me.

    " For some unfathomable reason, the Left has adopted them as a protected species, along with Palestinians."

    For the same utterly unfathomable reason, I suspect.

    "But one day people in places like Brighton will learn that mixing the two colours give you a dreadful poo brown."


    "This organisation has a base in Brighton. "

    That figures!
