Tuesday 16 August 2011

“I See No Ships…” Horatio Nelson

“I see no recession..” RSPCA manager Tony Benham:
… staff at Landing Lane say they are uncertain as to why this year has seen an explosion in numbers. Tony Benham, manager of the York RSPCA centre admitted staff there were “slightly baffled”.

He said: “We have talked to other centres and they have said they are slow on re-homing too.

“And there are a lot of kittens about at the moment but there doesn’t seem to be any contributing factor.”
Hmmmm, not a recession, or anything like that, then..?
Regional manager, Angela Hunter, added: “We have staff looking after them in their own homes…
Oh, it’s such a shame the RSPCA doesn’t have any huge wasteful HQ buildings in which they could fulfil their stated role of helping animals, eh?


  1. "they are slow on re-homing too. "

    And whose fault is that? Their own. The nice lady who came to see if we were 'suitable' to rehome a dog,confessed to us that even she herself had been deemed 'unsuitable' despite having an acre or so of land and having worked for them since forever.

    So we simply went out a bought a puppy and the dog we would have rehomed was killed.

  2. Actually Nelson said "I see no signal" - battle of Copenhagen if memory serves correctly.

  3. I don't have a problem with the care that they take on rehoming. It is odd that it is much easier to buy a pet irresponsibly than it is to be accepted to look after one that needs a new home, but no less odd than that it is so much harder to adopt a child than to make one of your own. The solution is not to make it easier to rehome but to make it harder to get a dog other than by rehoming. If that were the case there would be many fewer animals requiring rehoming in the first place.

  4. To be fair if it wasn't for the newspapers I would not know there was a recession on; 2% local unemployment, job vacancies all over the place and building sites remaining busy.
    Mind you, I could have said the same about Englands Riots or Avian Flu come to that.

    As for the RSPCA presumably smokers are out of the question as might be the obese but do they question would be homers about their views on gender and sexuality?

  5. I don't think any National trend can be implied simply because some areas have 'goan off' felines.

    My favourite is 87 with flied lice.

  6. Everyone knows cuts don't affect kittens. Apart from their fur, of course. Or their claws...

  7. Not just a shortage of accommodation and 're-homing', no sign of any managers either.

    Clearly no shortage of administrators however.

  8. "I see no ships" .. Horatio Nelson

    "Only bleedin' 'ardships" .. Captain Haddock

  9. @ The pedant ..

    I never knew Nelson .. but his Grandad was a right 'ard bastard ..

    In fact, it has been said that when Haddock joined the "Mob" .. Nelson was still in the Sea Cadets .. ;)

  10. "I see no recession" ..

    Good for you Mr Benham .. I'll be sure to quote your words at the next one of your arseholes who dares to rattle a collecting tin under my nose ..

  11. "The solution is not to make it easier to rehome but to make it harder to get a dog other than by rehoming."

    That might be an argument IF the RSPCA didn't kill animals.

    Social services don't yet, although I'm sure they will, put unadopt-able children 'to sleep'.

    The irony of it is that the RSPCA refused us on grounds of income...and that we had 3 kids, yet my income at the time was around 2 grand 'take home' a month. When we 'irresponsibly' then went and bought a puppy we paid several hundred pouds for it, drove a couple of hundred miles to get it, paid a small fortune for all its jabs and then forked out another not so small fortune each week for its special diet that, judging by the price, consisted of food hand dried on the banks of some river in Provence by certified virgins paid in gold coin. As with many 'rotties' it had a bit of a 'grotty botty'; strange how such a 'strong' dog should tend to have such a delicate stomach.

  12. ""I see no ships" .. Horatio Nelson

    "Only bleedin' 'ardships" .. Captain Haddock

    I might just have to frame that.

  13. An extended family member regularly takes home animals in emergencies...in his role as a "high ranking RSPCA officer" (his description not mine)...and has adopted a few over the years.

    Fair do's I say...the heavily subsidised mortgage he receives from them more than make up for a quid spent on dog and catfood.

    It should be compulsory for anyone receiving fringe benefits out of the public purse to fully engage with their employment in this manner.

    I'd love to see the social worker aunt have to take home some of the scum she trots out excuses for. :/

  14. @ SBC ..

    Please, be my guest .. ;)

  15. Recession? Surely even the poorest person can afford a sack tied with string containing a half brick to get rid off unwanted kittens?Down the river,bob's your uncle.

  16. "Surely even the poorest person can afford a sack tied with string containing a half brick to get rid off unwanted kittens"

    I'm shocked; SHOCKED I tell you! That a serving starforce officer like yourself should suggest any course of illegal action.


    ...to dump plastic bags and building waste in bodies of open water.


  17. "So we simply went out a bought a puppy..."

    I've heard it said it's easier to adopt a child than to get approved for a 'used' dog!

    "Actually Nelson said "I see no signal".."

    True, true, but this version is the one everyone is familiar with!

    "I don't have a problem with the care that they take on rehoming. It is odd that it is much easier to buy a pet irresponsibly..."

    Sometimes (as with adoption) they go overboard.

    And if they tried to place further restrictions on purchase, the irresponsible would just dodge them, just as they already dodge other laws they don't care to follow.

    "To be fair if it wasn't for the newspapers I would not know there was a recession on..."

    Good point!

  18. "I'd love to see the social worker aunt have to take home some of the scum she trots out excuses for. :/"

    That might just be the answer to our 'feral children' problem! :)

    "Surely even the poorest person can afford a sack tied with string containing a half brick to get rid off unwanted kittens?"

    Perhaps if we stop benefits and they are no longer a meal ticket, they'll do the same with little Chlamydia and Maxy-Size..?
