Friday 26 August 2011

Quote Of The Month: Special Riot Edition

From MummyLongLegs:
There really is no point in commenting further on the 'riots'. The blame game has started and there is so much knee-jerking going on a group of morris dancers on speed would be hard pressed to keep up.

The government are blaming the police, the yoof, the parents, in fact every fucker except themselves. The yoof are blaming the police, the government, anyone that works for a living, in fact every fucker except themselves. And the ones in the middle, the old, the young, the honest, the tax payers, well they are about to be punished further with a new raft of pointless fucking laws drafted by the government that those responsible for the chaos will ignore.
Spot, and indeed, on...


  1. "so much knee-jerking going on a group of morris dancers on speed would be hard pressed to keep up"

    Hehe, and hehe again. I will, I predict, use it often.

  2. Or the cast of "Riverdance" even ..

  3. It was a great turn of phrase, wasn't it? ;)
