Friday, 2 September 2011

Like The Commenters, I Am Desperate To Know…

…who lifts it into the car?
Sarvat Khan, who can only walk a few metres with a crutch due to the degenerative condition, is reliant on an electric scooter when out shopping.

She asked staff at The Mall, Blackburn, to lift her 42kg scooter from the boot of her car to the ground to so she could assemble it before going shopping.

But after three years of helping her, they refused claiming that policy had changed and due to health and safety reasons they could no longer lift the scooter out of her black Volkswagen Golf.
Comments (perhaps surprisingly?) run in favour of the guards…


  1. No true and able-bodied Englishman would refuse to help Ms Khan; in the same way the required assistance would be no issue for an MS sufferer by the name of Margaret Smith.

  2. I'm tempted to agree Melv but offering help or being asked...reasonably...for it is something quite different to it being demanded and some kind of spurious human rights issue erupting out of thin air.

    Ironic that for some people being independent" always involves quite a fair a bit of dependence on others.

    Curious as to where her family are in this scenario.

  3. Had her name been "Margaret Smith" .. I beg leave to doubt whether the story would even have got so far as the local rag ..

    Let alone, anywhere else ..

  4. 42Kg is not light.
    Does she have insurance in case the helper gets a bad back etc?

  5. "I'm tempted to agree Melv but offering help or being asked...reasonably...for it is something quite different to it being demanded.."

    Spot on!

    "42Kg is not light.
    Does she have insurance in case the helper gets a bad back etc?"

    What do you think..?

  6. Were this person a good customer who came to shop and buy occasionally, I would think arrangements could be made to help them.

    But if this person keeps turning up, demanding to be helped and then spend half an hour motoring round just looking without buying (just for something to do), then I imagine the welcome eventually wears thin.

    By the way... she has a car? So, er, not without means then...
