Friday, 2 September 2011

Southend: Home To The Brains Trust

Passer-by Paul Claydon said: “The toilet attendant found him, and then the PCSOs turned up.

“Then the police came and checked him, and put a cover over him.

“I realised what had happened because if someone was just ill you’d put them in an ambulance wouldn’t you. It’s such a shame really.”
Wow! No flies on you, eh, Paul?


  1. I used those toilets a few weeks ago. It was heartwarming to find a slot in the wall of my cubicle for the disposal of 'sharps'. No longer do members of the smackhead community have to carry their used needles around and risk suffereing damage to their self-esteem by the raised eyebrow or judgmental tut from an unenlightened local.
    It makes yer proud to be British.

  2. " It was heartwarming to find a slot in the wall of my cubicle for the disposal of 'sharps'."

    Really?!? *boggle*
