Saturday, 1 October 2011

Ah, Another ‘Secure’ Unit That Turns Out To Not Be…

A killer has vanished from a secure unit.
I guess it’s not that secure, then?

Well, actually, he was let out!
Steven Dunne, 42, who stabbed Gordon Stalker to death at the door of his home in Elm Grove, Brighton, was reported missing after failing to return to Southview Low Secure Unit at around 5pm on Wednesday.
Shocker, I’m sure…
A spokeswoman from the Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust said: "Mr Dunne has been assessed by his clinical team and poses a low risk to himself and to the public, however, it is important he takes regular medication and will need to return to hospital as soon as possible."
So if he doesn’t take the medication, does the risk go up, or down?

Funny. They don't seem to tell us that...


  1. I once visited a "Secure Unit" to repair some equipment, and was escorted through the building by one of the staff. Suddenly an alarm went off, and quick as a flash the guy said "sorry mate, but I'll have to lock you in a room for your own safety while I respond" Fortunately (or not, depending on your viewpoint) I was subsequently released!

    Obviously things have changed in the years since...

  2. I feel that a simple misunderstanding is at the root of the problem.

    The 'Secure' refers to the 'Secure Funding' not public protection.

    Glad I could clear that up for you. No no don't thank me...just doing my job.

    ...oh and btw, 'High Security Prisons' suffer a similar misnomer, they are infact 'High Job Security[for prison officers] Prisons'.

    We really need an unelected over funded non governmental body to sort out the naming of such institutions....SOMETHING MUST BE DONE!

  3. The one man crime wave mate that I have posted about before had a spell in a Local Authority Secure Unit. His mum went to visit which made him homesick.
    He broke out, stole a car and drove straight home without even stopping to pick up his mum from the bus stop where she was waiting.

  4. "Obviously things have changed in the years since..."

    I suspect - and hope! - most of them still are. Presumably parts of this one, too.

    "He broke out, stole a car and drove straight home without even stopping to pick up his mum from the bus stop where she was waiting."

