Saturday, 1 October 2011

Mad, Not Bad?

A teacher who sexually assaulted one of her pupils at a Colchester school has been detained indefinitely under the Mental Health Act.

That doesn't seem to be the usual action?


  1. How many male teachers who have been convicted of fiddling with their pupils get to spend their time in a Mental Hospital rather than the sexual offenders wing of a jail?

    Having visited a friend in various Mental Health institutions, I know which I'd prefer, given the choice.

    P*ssy pass wins again. Man does something 'He's evil, lock him up and throw away the key'. Woman does exactly the same thing 'She must be mentally ill poor thing!'.

  2. "Harrison, of Wacker Field"


  3. Am I the only one hoping she posted full colour pics of her deranged misdeeds on the Weg?

    *googles .jpg+harrison+teacher+hot+teeny+dyke+sex *

    ...yes I am a very sad pathetic old man.


    Ok seriously, she probably IS deranged. It's very rare for a woman to be a predatory lesbian ephebophile ...outside certain websites anyways.

  4. Hang on - she's placed on the sexual offenders list for seven years, but is detained under the mental health act ad infinitum?

    Something here does not compute.

  5. I'm not entirely convinced there is such a thing as an ephebophile. It's a legally defined mental affliction, in that the victims are defined by the legal age of consent, which is arbitrary. Screw a sixteen year old in Britain, it's not (currently) ephebophilia under most circumstances. Do it in America (in most States) and it is.

    Paedophilia, sure, we can reasonably define that, since the victims are not sexually mature, and thus it is reasonably definable as a clinical abberation. But this "ephebophilia" thing, I really don't think it exists.

    All that we seem to be finding out from the current hysteria is that women are as prone to a taste for starting 'em young as men are, and I don't think the feminutters intended to find that out at all.

  6. "How many male teachers who have been convicted of fiddling with their pupils get to spend their time in a Mental Hospital rather than the sexual offenders wing of a jail?"

    Well, indeed!

    " It's a legally defined mental affliction, in that the victims are defined by the legal age of consent, which is arbitrary."

    Mmm, good point! There'd be a lot of them in the UK, if you take note of the Sam Fox Page 3 debacle.

  7. I think the punishment was not enough . Send them to jail for months so those teachers won't attempt to do it again . nursing colleges .
