Sunday 9 October 2011

And Some People Say There Are No Jobs Available!

Married Ganiat Olateju claimed to be a single parent with dependant children to claim more than £40,000 in housing and council tax benefits and £28,000 in income support over a ten-year period.

Olateju, 43, used her maiden name of Jaiyeola Alli to make the claims, while at the same time securing a job as an admin worker for Croydon Adult Learning and Training (CALAT). Her husband also worked full-time.

She even conned her Croydon employers by working another job while she was on long-term sick leave.

But wait, you say, what about our fearless investigators at HMRC and the DWP? How did something like this slip through the net?
Croydon Crown Court heard Olateju had managed to get hold of two National Insurance numbers – using one to claim benefits and the other to gain employment with the council.
Aha! A cunning plan!
The council now intends to reclaim the money she dishonestly obtained.
Good luck with that…


  1. Unfortunately every such 'Daily Mailesque' story [ie someone with a scrabble-bag name defrauds Hardworking BRITISH Taxpayers] just means it gets even easier to defraud 'the system'...a system which gets more and more obsessed with ONLY paying the 'deserving poor'.

    Whysies? Because 'paper' becomes Truth. For example it isn't a question of whether you are disabled but whether or not you have Form A, form B and Form C.

    Two separate NI numbers mean two separate people-even when they don't.

    Getting the 'paper' is the only hard bit-sometimes. Once you've got it then you have the Keys To The Kingdom.

  2. Golly. Ganiat Olateju aka Jaiyeola Alli.....and all the other yet undiscovered identities.

    Audacious enough to claim under the assumed name 'Willoughby' of West Purley, shinar.

  3. Cheating, lying, stealing immigrant bites hand which feeds it ..

    Hardly a new phenomenon, I'd venture to say .. but one which needs to be ruthlessly stamped on and PDQ ..

  4. You can see why some people thought the ID card scheme was a good idea

  5. "You can see why some people thought the ID card scheme was a good idea" ..

    If they can fake Passports, they could fake ID Cards ..

    The only answer is to halt ALL immigration for at least the next 5 years .. and start thinning-out the ones already here

    FFS, haven't any of these political geniuses cottoned-on to the fact that we're full ?

  6. "You can see why some people thought the ID card scheme was a good idea"

    ID cards would only make it easier for benefit fraudsters. Like I said, paper is truth and whoever had that ID card *would be* that person.

    I've seen it in Germany a lot. The ID card is 'holy writ'. No matter what the evidence to the contrary, what is on the card IS THE TRUTH, is FACT and unassailable.

    All my kids hold passports in two separate names- LEGALLY and because there is no mention of the other surname on each passport, they aren't that other person in the eyes of every German official. If it says "Herr von Gemmelshausen" then that's who you are.

    If the Benefit Fraudsters can get a second NI Number then they would get a 2nd ID card just as easily....and a third and a fourth...

  7. "Getting the 'paper' is the only hard bit-sometimes. Once you've got it then you have the Keys To The Kingdom."

    Sadly true.

    "You can see why some people thought the ID card scheme was a good idea"

    And yet, as Capt Haddock & SBC point out, that wouldn't do more than provide yet another hurdle...
