Tuesday 25 October 2011

Papering Over The Cracks Gaping Chasms

A police force yesterday announced it would be placing rainbow stickers on the front desks of police stations in order to make gay and lesbians feel more confident about reporting crime.
North Wales police has a history of coming down strongly on those accused of homophobic crimes.

In 2006 they were criticised after hauling one of their own retired police officers through the courts when he called a woman colleague a ‘dyke.’
Criticism that was totally justified by the fact that the courts told them to go away and stop wasting everyone's time...
Former Detective Sergeant John Atkinson, 46, who had repeatedly apologised for the remark, was eventually cleared of any wrongdoing by magistrates and criticised the force for wasting taxpayers’ money.
It gets better...
During the hearing it emerged that Mr Atkinson, who served with North Wales Police for more than 22 years, faced trial even though the force’s then chief constable escaped prosecution for uttering a similar word.

Richard Brunstrom was apparently not charged despite referring to homosexuals as ‘queers’ during a meeting.

And we wonder why the police are leaving this failing system in droves, and leaving us just with the incompetents, the corrupt, and the jobsworths...


  1. I despair I really do.
    As some of the posters here point out we are sometimes hated,and we do ourselves no favours with rubbish like this.

  2. It's all sex, sex, sex with the police these days.

  3. "....and leaving us just with the incompetents, the corrupt, and the jobsworths... "

    And you welcome the worst of these to your blog.....sufficient for a Planet Police credit.

  4. Julia/Anonymous,rather a sweeping statement.Which category do you assume I fall into?
    PS MTG please don't write "all three" it would be so predictable.

  5. "PS MTG please don't write "all three" it would be so predictable.

    I am pleased to respond to a call for assistance in this matter.

    Categories of lazy, immoral and unhelpful (conspicuous by absence) should never be ignored in any comprehensive assessment of police.

  6. If they really want to show how welcoming and diverse they are, maybe they could put a cross and candle out next to the Bible?

  7. '...leaving us just with the incompetents, the corrupt, and the jobsworths...'
    This is just soooo near the truth, I'm afraid.

  8. "North Wales police has a history of coming down strongly on those accused of homophobic crimes"

    Something about that sentence bothers me...

    ..probably just my sick dirty mind.

  9. Why can't you say queer? or dyke?

    "If you want to know where power lies, ask who one dare not criticise!"

  10. Hey, Wow! Rainbow stickers! Almost makes me wish I was gay...

    Ye Gods and little fishes, is this a police force or a transgender outreach department? Isn't it about time they went out and caught some miscreants instead of sucking up (in a manner of speaking) to every minority-group-with-a-grievance?

  11. is this a police force or a transgender outreach department?

    Best sit down, nisakiman; it's Greg George's ekwality klub


    So, yes, transgender outreach department. Yes, it really did used to be a police station.

  12. A police force yesterday announced it would be placing rainbow stickers on the front desks of police stations ..

    Has anyone bothered to ask George, Zippy & Bungle how they feel about it ? ... No .. thought as much .. ;)

    "North Wales police has a history of coming down strongly on those accused of homophobic crimes" ..

    Whilst sheep molesting passes as being normal behaviour ..

  13. "Has anyone bothered to ask George, Zippy & Bungle how they feel about it ? ... No .. thought as much .. ;)"

    No but lets not go into what PC Rod, WPC Jane and DS FreddiiiIIIEeee are getting up to!

  14. "...and we do ourselves no favours with rubbish like this."

    At least this is demonstrably a brainchild of the SMT and not a street-level cop 'going along to get along', as so many recent cases show.

    "It's all sex, sex, sex with the police these days."

    Must be those suggestive helmets ;)

    "If they really want to show how welcoming and diverse they are, maybe they could put a cross and candle out next to the Bible?"

